THURSDAY 06/11/2020

PRE (best before main workout): OLY
EITHER (can be warm up or finisher): GYMNASTICS
SWAP (skip the main workout and do one of these instead): SANDBAG
* Indicates the original version of the workout. This means when the workout was programmed, this is the version the coach had in mind. We adapt this workout to fit the other equipment variations. As always, pick a version of the workout that works for you, your schedule, and equipment available.
Full Body Simple Warm Up
5 Rounds (For Time)
12 Dumbbell Step Up Overs
12 Push Up + Renegade Rows
12 Dumbbell Step Up Overs
12 Alt V-Up / Toes to Bar
Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds
RX Men: 40# DBs / 22-24" Box
RX Women: 25# DBs / 18-24" Box
RX+ Men: 50# DBs
RX+ Women: 35# DBs
1 Renegade Row = Push Up + Row Right Arm + Row Left Arm
Score: Total Time Including the 4 Minutes of Rest
Goal: 19-26 Min
Set yourself up for 4 minute rounds, including the minute of rest! This means you'll want to choose loads, heights and movement variations that allow you to keep moving, spending about 45 seconds or less on each movement.
For these step up and overs you can hold the dumbbells at your waist or on your shoulders. Make sure you step up with your foot completely on the box. Drive out of the heel for each rep and avoid the knee caving in. You may step off of the front if you are comfortable or turn around on top of the box and step off that way.
If you don't have a box, use a bench, if you don't have a bench, you can step up on to a stair as you would a normal step up or use a stack of plates.
Nothing to step on at all? Sub lunges!
Lower the weight all the way down to nothing if you need to!
For the push up part of the renegade row, we want to see a rigid body position. No sagging hips or snaking. You will keep the belly tight. Hands are on the dumbbells. Go to the knees if you need to.
Chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. Lock out completely at the top.
Then, row one dumbbell to the rib cage by pulling the elbow back. Try to avoid rotating very much. Pull the dumbbell all the way up for each rep then lower with control.
If you are struggling to maintain a tight plank position as you pull, trying lowering the weight or modifying to shoulder taps.
For the toes to bar, think about pushing the bar out in front of you so your shoulders travel back behind the bar as you raise your toes up to touch bar between your hands.
If you don't have a pull up bar, sub with alternating V-Ups, which is right hand to left foot = 1 rep left hand to right foot = 1 rep. So 6 per side.
Or, modify to Knee-Ups, Supine Toe Touches or regular sit-ups if you need to!
Mamas, sub with ball slams or Russian kettlebell swings.
Full Body Simple Warm Up
5 Rounds (For Time)
12 Front Rack Step Up (Not Over)
12 Bent Over Row
12 Front Rack Step Up (Not Over)
12 Alt V-Up / Toes to Bar
Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds
RX Men: 95# / 22-24" Box
RX Women: 65# / 18-20" Box
RX+ Men: 115#+
RX+ Women: 75#+
Score: Total Time Including the 4 Minutes of Rest
Goal: 19-26 Minutes
Set yourself up for 4 minute rounds, including the minute of rest! This means you'll want to choose loads, heights and movement variations that allow you to keep moving, spending about 45 seconds or less on each movement.
Use different loads for step ups and bent over rows if necessary.
For the barbell front rack step ups (NOT OVER) you will have the bar on the front of the shoulders with the belly tight and elbows up.
Step your whole foot onto the box. Drive through the heel of the box planted foot and step your other foot on to the box. Keep your belly tight and chest up. Stand all the way up on the box. If you don't have a box, use a bench or something similar. Make sure you choose a weight and a height that you are comfortable stepping up AND down.
Feel free to lower the height of the step up to something challenging but manageable for you!
You can also sub alternating lunges. Each lunge counts as one rep.
Set up for the bent over row by deadlifting the bar to just below the knee. From here, keeping the torso position set and the chest lifted - pull the elbows back and bring the bar to just below the chest. Keep the belly tight. Bring the bar back to just below the knee with the arm straight at the bottom. No kipping or pulling your CHEST down!
Toes to bar starts with you hanging from the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulders, shoulders drawn down away from your ears and arms straight. Think about pushing the bar out in front of you so your shoulders travel back behind the bar as you raise your toes up to touch bar between your hands.
If you don't have a pull up bar, sub with alternating V-Ups, which is right hand to left foot = 1 rep left hand to right foot = 1 rep. So 6 per side.
Or, modify to Knee-Ups, Supine Toe Touches or regular sit-ups if you need to!
Mamas, sub with ball slams or Russian kettlebell swings.
Full Body Simple Warm Up
5 Rounds (For Time)
12 Sandbag Step Up Overs
12 Push Up + Lateral Drag
12 Sandbag Step Up Overs
12 Alt V-Up / Toes to Bar / Sandbag Supine Toe Touches
Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds
Idea Sandbag Loading:
Men: 50-70#
Women: 25-45#
Score: Total Time Including the 4 Minutes of Rest
Goal: 19-26 Minutes
Set yourself up for 4 minute rounds, including the minute of rest! This means you'll want to choose loads, heights and movement variations that allow you to keep moving, spending about 45 seconds on each movement.
For the sandbag step-up and overs. Choose a box that is roughly 22-24" for men and 18-20" for women. You can clean the bag to the front rack, or pop over the head and use the back rack. You can also clean the sandbag to either shoulder and perform your step-ups this way. Facing the box you will step up with one leg, with the whole foot on the box and drive through you heel! Stand all the way up onto the box, then back down the other side. Alternate legs each rep.
Modify by stepping to a lower height or reducing the weight if possible. You can also substitute front rack lunges.
For the push up and lateral drag you will start in a plank position with your bag just to the outside your right hand. First you will do a push up, then with your left hand you will reach under and across and drag the bag to the left side of our body.
Keep the belly tight and butt down. Do another push up then reach under and across with your right hand and drag the bag back to the right side of your body. If you can't quite get the bag all he way across a little plank side step so you can start the next pull in a good position. One push up + one drag = 1 rep.
Toes to bar starts with you hanging from the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulders, shoulders drawn down away from your ears and arms straight. Think about pushing the bar out in front of you so your shoulders travel back behind the bar as you raise your toes up to touch bar between your hands.
If you don't have a pull up bar, sub with alternating V-Ups, which is right hand to left foot = 1 rep. left hand to right foot = 1 rep. So 6 per side.
Or, modify to Knee-Ups, Supine Toe Touches or regular sit-ups if you need to!
Mamas, sub with ball slams or Russian kettlebell swings.
DB STEP UPS - If you have any pubic symphysis pain or SPD focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. You could always do lighter weight, smaller or shorter step/less range of motion. You can also try stepping laterally onto a stack of plates or something instead of stepping forward and up, sometimes this helps create some control in managing the position of the pelvis. Option to sub: Single Leg Glute Bridge, Hip Thrusts, Air Squat, Goblet/DB Squat
PUSH UPS - If you notice coning/doming in the plank position or if you find yourself straining to breathe or bearing down forcefully into your belly or pelvic floor, sub an elevated push up with hands on box, bench, wall, table, etc. or sub floor press, or bench press.
RENEGADE ROW - If you notice coning in the plank position you may want to do an elevated (i.e. hands on box or bench) renegade row. Or Separate the movement into an elevated pushup and then a traditional DB Bent Over Row or even change it to shoulder taps or elevated shoulder taps. If you are later in your pregnancy or in the rehab phase of postpartum you may want to train with intention and sub any of the Functional Progressions. You could also sub Dumbbell Windmill, Bandeed Woodchop, Overhead Plate Hold, Waiter Walks, or Farmer Carry/March.
V-UP - Similar to the movement mechanics of Toes to Bar or Sit Ups this movement can put a lot of pressure on the core and the pelvic floor. If you are pregnant or in the rehab or rebuilding stages of postpartum you may want to sub Functional Progressions (FP 2 is a great option for this!), Ball Slams, KB Swings, Windmills Overhead Plate Hold/March, Palloff Press, Banded/Wallball Woodchop, Standing Cross Body Wallball Throws, Goblet Hold/Squat, Waiter Walk
SIT UPS - This movement puts A LOT of pressure on the core and pelvic floor. Please consider risk vs. reward when deciding if this movement is right for you. If you feel confident with your core and pelvic floor health you can always try fewer reps to notice and manage any symptoms. You can also SUB: Functional Progressions (see the Warm Up videos in the Member's Only website), Ball Slams, KB Swings, Palloff Press, Banded/Wallball Woodchop, Standing Cross Body Wallball Throws.