SATURDAY 05/09/2020

POST (best after the main workout): BUTTS AND GUTS - SUNS OUT GUNS OUT
SWAP (skip the main workout and do one of these instead): SANDBAG
* Indicates the original version of the workout. This means when the workout was programmed, this is the version the coach had in mind. We adapt this workout to fit the other equipment variations. As always, pick a version of the workout that works for you, your schedule, and equipment available.
Full Body Simple Warm Up
As Far as you Can Get in 12 Min
3 Dumbbell Deadlifts
1 Wall Walk or Sub
6 Dumbbell Deadlifts
2 Wall Walks or Sub
9 Dumbbell Deadlifts
3 Wall Walks or Sub
12 Dumbbell Deadlifts
4 Wall Walks or Sub
Keep adding 3 deadlifts and 1 wall walk per round and get as far as possible in 12 Min.
RX Men: 40-50# DBs
RX Women: 25-45# DBs
RX + Men/Women: Single Leg Deadlifts (Rep would be PER leg each round. So first round is 3 per leg / 6 total).
Score: Reps
Goal: 84 Reps + (that's through the 18s + 6 wall walks - a bit more reps for this version)
**If doing RX+ you will still count each rep - those scores will just reflect that you are doing double deadlifts basically each time.
You'll want to keep a pretty consistent pace to make it through the round of 18 deadlifts.
Keep your shoulders active in the wall walks and rest appropriately if you feel your shoulders approach failure or loss of core stability. Good idea to take short breaks early on these!
For the deadlifts the DBs will start on the ground. Feet are under the hips. Heels are down. Hips and knees are bent. Hands and grip are outside of the legs. Arms are straight. Chest is up. Belly tight. Back flat! To lift the DBs drive your heels into the ground and lift your chest. Keep arms straight, chest up and belly tight as you stand all the way up at the top.
To lower - send your butt back. Keep your chest lifted and belly tight. Keep those heels down. Once the DBs go below your knees, re-bend them and bring the DBs back to the starting position under control. Only one head of each dumbbell needs to touch at the bottom!
Set up for wall walks in the bottom of a push up with feet against the wall. Walk your feet up the wall as you press to the top of a push up then back toward the wall. Keep your belly tight and do not overarch you back. Touch your chest to the wall then walk your hands out and feet down to the floor.
Don't slide or flop!
Modify by going only part of the way up or doing pike up on the box for each wall walk. Or:
5 push up + tap tap per wall walk
3 inchworms per wall walk
6 alternating single arm shoulder press (3 on each arm) per wall walk
Pike up on the box starts in the top of a push up with toes on a box. Keep your toes planted and walk your hands toward the box until you are in a 90° pike position at the top. Then, walk your hands back out.
Full Body Simple Warm Up
As Far as you Can Get in 12 Min
3 Barbell Deadlifts
1 Wall Walk or Sub
6 Barbell Deadlifts
2 Wall Walks or Sub
9 Barbell Deadlifts
3 Wall Walks or Sub
12 Barbell Deadlifts
4 Wall Walks or Sub
Keep adding 3 DEADLIFTS and 1 Wall Walk per Round and get as FAR as you can in 12 Min.
RX Men: 155-185#
RX Women: 105-125#
RX + Men: 205#+
RX + Women: 135# +
Score: Total Reps (Deadlifts and Wall Walks Combined)
Goal: 60 Reps + (that's through the round of 15s + 5 Wall Walks)
You'll want to keep a pretty consistent pace to make it through the round of 15 deadlifts. You can take short breaks but don't try to go too heavy on this one.
Choose a load at which you can do at least 12 really good looking unbroken reps when fresh.
Keep your shoulders active in the wall walks and rest appropriately if you feel your shoulders approach failure or loss of core stability.
For the deadlifts the bar will start on the ground. The feet are under the hips. Heels are down. Hips and knees are bent. Arms are straight. Chest is up. Belly tight. Back flat! Hands just outside the legs To lift drive the heels into the ground and lift the chest. Keep the arms straight as you pull the bar in close to the body. Keep the arms long and straight. Keep the chest up and belly tight. Stand all of the way up at the top. Squeeze the butt. Don't lean back.
To lower - reach the butt back and slide bar down the legs. Keep the knees out of the way. Keep the chest lifted and belly tight. Keep those heels down. Once past the knees you will re-bend the knees and bring the bar back to the starting position under control.
Set up for wall walks in the bottom of a push up with feet against the wall. Walk your feet up the wall as you press to the top of a push up then back toward the wall. Keep your belly tight and do not overarch you back. Touch your chest to the wall then walk your hands out and feet down to the floor.
Don't slide or flop!
Modify by going only part of the way up or doing pike up on the box for each wall walk. Or:
5 push up + tap tap per wall walk
3 inchworms per wall walk
6 alternating single arm shoulder press (3 on each arm) per wall walk
Pike up on the box starts in the top of a push up with toes on a box. Keep your toes planted and walk your hands toward the box until you are in a 90° pike position at the top. Then, walk your hands back out.
Full Body Simple Warm Up
As Far as you Can Get in 12 Min
3 Barbell Deadlifts
10 Foot Handstand Walk (3 Meters)
6 Barbell Deadlifts
20 Foot Handstand Walk (6 Meters)
9 Barbell Deadlifts
30 Foot Handstand Walk (9 Meters)
12 Barbell Deadlifts
40 Foot Handstand Walk (12 Meters)
Keep adding 3 DEADLIFTS and 10 feet (3 meters) of handstand walk per Round and get as FAR as you can in 12 Min.
RX Men: 155-185#
RX Women: 105-125#
RX + Men: 205#+
RX + Women: 135# +
Score: Total Reps (Deadlifts and each 10 foot/3 meter section of handstand walk = 1 rep)
Goal: 60 Reps + this is through the 15s + 50 feet / 15 Meters of HS Walk.
You'll want to keep a pretty consistent pace to make it through the round of 15 deadlifts. You can take short breaks but don't try to go too heavy on this one.
Choose a load at which you can do at least 12 really good looking unbroken reps when fresh.
You can also do this with the dumbbell options in program A.
For the deadlifts the bar will start on the ground. The feet are under the hips. Heels are down. Hips and knees are bent. Arms are straight. Chest is up. Belly tight. Back flat! Hands just outside the legs To lift drive the heels into the ground and lift the chest. Keep the arms straight as you pull the bar in close to the body. Keep the arms long and straight. Keep the chest up and belly tight. Stand all of the way up at the top. Squeeze the butt. Don't lean back.
To lower - reach the butt back and slide bar down the legs. Keep the knees out of the way. Keep the chest lifted and belly tight. Keep those heels down. Once past the knees you will re-bend the knees and bring the bar back to the starting position under control.
For the Handstand Walk, if you are able to walk a few feet and just want to practice a bit, here are some modification suggestions:
- Shorten the distance and/or cap it at 10 seconds per 10ft
- Shoulder taps from the handstand position against the wall.
- Pike shoulder taps with feet up on a box and torso as vertical as possible.
Full Body Simple Warm Up
Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)
In Teams of 2 Complete:
17 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 17 Min)
Partner 1:
9 Deadlifts
2 Wall Walks
Then Partner 2 goes.
Alternate Back and Forth and get as Many Rounds as Possible in 17 Min
RX Men: 155-185#
RX Women: 105-125#
RX + Men: 205#+
RX + Women: 135# +
Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds + Any Additional Reps from BOTH partner ins 17 Min. So partner 1 completes 9 + 2 - that's 1 round. When partner 2 finishes 9 + 2 - now you have 2 rounds....
Goal: 15-20 Rounds (8-10 Rounds Each)
You can and maybe should break up the reps on the deadlift. But, choose a load that would allow you to complete a set of 15 really good looking unbroken reps when fresh.
Keep your shoulders active in the wall walks and rest appropriately if you feel your shoulders approach failure or loss of core stability.
For the deadlifts the bar will start on the ground. The feet are under the hips. Heels are down. Hips and knees are bent. Arms are straight. Chest is up. Belly tight. Back flat! Hands just outside the legs To lift drive the heels into the ground and lift the chest. Keep the arms straight as you pull the bar in close to the body. Keep the arms long and straight. Keep the chest up and belly tight. Stand all of the way up at the top. Squeeze the butt. Don't lean back.
To lower - reach the butt back and slide bar down the legs. Keep the knees out of the way. Keep the chest lifted and belly tight. Keep those heels down. Once past the knees you will re-bend the knees and bring the bar back to the starting position under control.
Set up for wall walks in the bottom of a push up with feet against the wall. Walk your feet up the wall as you press to the top of a push up then back toward the wall. Keep your belly tight and do not overarch you back. Touch your chest to the wall then walk your hands out and feet down to the floor.
Don't slide or flop!
Modify by going only part of the way up or doing pike up on the box for each wall walk. Or:
5 push up + tap tap per wall walk
3 inchworms per wall walk
6 alternating single arm shoulder press (3 on each arm) per wall walk
Pike up on the box starts in the top of a push up with toes on a box. Keep your toes planted and walk your hands toward the box until you are in a 90° pike position at the top. Then, walk your hands back out.
KB/DB DEADLIFT - If you’re pregnant and the shape of your belly is making reaching the floor difficult or if you're postpartum and managing core rehab through practice of proper posture, sub: Sumo Stance KB/DB Deadlift or elevate the DBs/KB so its not so low to the ground when you pick it up. If you are working on healing any pelvic floor dysfunction make sure you are able to breathe properly throughout the entire range of motion and that you are not bracing or bearing down.
WALL WALKS - Please measure risk vs. reward when considering if you can/should perform this movement. If you are unable to maintain midline stability and proper breathing mechanics throughout the duration of the entire movement or if you notice coning in the plank position please consider subbing: Inchworms, Box/Pike Walk outs, Shoulder Taps, Seated Strict Press, or Bear Crawls.