GYMNASTICS | WEEK 17 | 04/19/2020



2 Rounds
5 Inchworm Walk Outs
10 Push Up + Tap + Tap
5 Scorpion Stretch (3 Second hold each side)
10 Alternating Samson Stretch
10 Scap Pull Ups
10 Kip Swings


For completion or as far as you get in 12 Min:
10 Muscle Ups
10 Burpees
8 Muscle Ups
10 Burpees
6 Muscle Ups
10 Burpees
4 Muscle Ups
10 Burpees
2 Muscle Ups
10 Burpees

Muscle ups may be bar or ring. Or a scale/modification of either (see below).

If you complete the whole thing under 12 Min - enter your time. Otherwise call it at 12 Min. Enter 12 Min as your score and put total reps in comments.

If you have a bar or ring muscle ups - just go for it! This is a total of 30 - so if you even want to cut out the first round of 10 and start with 8 - go for it! You could even lower the reps to 5-4-3-2-1 for the muscle ups if that is more realistic for where you are at right now.

You may also choose to work on your strict muscle ups!

Remember to get a good swing and lead with the hips! Finally pull over/through with a big sit up and press out strong!

If you are still working on this skill - some sub options are banded, jumping, or even feet on the ground/box transition.

We want you to challenge yourself. So don't do a jumping version where you don't have to pull or use proper technique at all. If using leg assistance - use as LITTLE as possible.

If doing rings you will focus on keeping the hands together - pulling all of the way to the rib cage before even thinking about pulling through and coming forward. Catch in a tight position with elbows back. Press out.

You will do 10 burpees between each set of muscle ups. Keep these CHILL so you don't fatigue too much for the next set!

4 Rounds
(As Many Reps As Possible)
30 Seconds V-Ups
30 Seconds Rest
30 Seconds Plank Hold
30 Seconds Rest
(This should be a total of 8 Min)

Enter V-Up total for a score!

For the V-Ups, start in a hollow body position. Lower back is rooted into the floor, belly button drawn in. Squeeze your legs together and raise them a few inches away from the floor. Lift your chest toward the ceiling until your shoulder blades come to hover off the floor. Arms are overhead, biceps by the ears.

From here, raise your torso and your legs at the same time and reach your fingertips toward your toes. Fingers and toes should touch directly above the hips. Lower with control back to the hollow body position.

For the planks, come into the top of a push up position. Press the ground away from you and try to feel your shoulder blades spreading wide across your back. Shift your weight forward slightly so that your shoulders are just beyond the wrists and you are high up on the balls of your feet.

Squeeze your butt, your thighs, and your abs all at the same time!