ENDURANCE | WEEK 17 | 04/19/2020


Run Version
3 Min Hard
6 Min Comfortable
2 Min Hard
4 Min Comfortable
1 Min Hard
2 Min Comfortable
:30 Sec Hard
1 Min Comfortable
Rest 5 Min


For this workout the HARD should be a pretty uncomfortable and not really sustainable after that time pace. For example, you couldn't hold the 3 Min HARD pace for 5 min if you wanted to.

The comfortable pace is different than EASY we do in these workouts sometimes. Comfortable means sustainable. A pace you could hold to 20 min maybe, but not EASY.

Absolutely no rest between. The minutes just need to run into one another.

This workout teaches us to surge and recover from a surge while still moving. Like practicing passing someone.


Row Version
3 Min Hard
6 Min Comfortable
2 Min Hard
4 Min Comfortable
1 Min Hard
2 Min Comfortable
:30 Sec Hard
1 Min Comfortable
Rest 5 Min


For this workout the HARD should be a pretty uncomfortable and not really sustainable after that time pace. For example you couldn't hold the 3 Min HARD pace for 5 min if you wanted to.

The comfortable pace is different than EASY we do in these workouts sometimes. Comfortable means sustainable. A pace you could hold to 20 min maybe, but not EASY.

Absolutely no rest between. The minutes just need to run into one another.

This workout teaches us to surge and recover from a surge while still moving. Like practicing passing someone.


Bike Version
3 Min Hard
6 Min Comfortable
2 Min Hard
4 Min Comfortable
1 Min Hard
2 Min Comfortable
:30 Sec Hard
1 Min Comfortable
Rest 5 Min


For this workout the HARD should be a pretty uncomfortable and not really sustainable after that time pace. For example you couldn't hold the 3 Min HARD pace for 5 min if you wanted to.

The comfortable pace is different than EASY we do in these workouts sometimes. Comfortable means sustainable. A pace you could hold to 20 min maybe, but not EASY.

Absolutely no rest between. The minutes just need to run into one another.

This workout teaches us to surge and recover from a surge while still moving.  Like practicing passing someone.