ENDURANCE | WEEK 16 | 04/12/2020


Run Version
10 Rounds
60 Seconds "Easy"
60 Seconds "ON"
30 Seconds REST

Score: Total distance from ON portion only. Do not count any distance done during the easy portion!

If that is too hard to calculate - don't even worry. Just put total distance and note you didn't separate it in the comments.

If you don't have a way to measure total distance - don't even worry about it! Just get after it!

The EASY pace should be something you could sustain for a long time, but not TOO easy. Definitely not a walk and more than a jog.

The ON pace should be pretty all out. The 30 seconds may not recover you completely, but that combined with the 60 seconds easy should get you ready to go again!


Row Version
10 Rounds

60 Seconds "Easy"
60 Seconds "ON"
30 Seconds REST

Score: Total distance from ON portion only. Do not count any distance done during the easy portion!

The EASY pace should be something you could sustain for a long time, but not TOO easy.

The ON pace should be pretty all out. The 30 seconds may not recover you completely, but that combined with the 60 seconds easy should get you ready to go again!


Bike Version
10 Rounds
60 Seconds "Easy"
60 Seconds "ON"
30 Seconds REST

Score: Total Calories from ON portion only. Do not count any calories done during the easy portion!

The EASY pace should be something you could sustain for a long time, but not TOO easy.

The ON pace should be pretty all out. The 30 seconds may not recover you completely, but that combined with the 60 seconds easy should get you ready to go again!