FRIDAY 04/10/2020

PRE (best before main workout): POWER - OLY
POST (best after the main workout): BUTTS AND GUTS


* Indicates the original version of the workout. This means when the workout was programmed, this is the version the coach had in mind. We adapt this workout to fit the other equipment variations. As always, pick a version of the workout that works for you, your schedule, and equipment available.



Full Body Simple Warm Up


6 Rounds
3 Turkish Get Ups Right
6 Lateral Over DB/KB Burpees
3 Turkish Get Ups Left
6 Lateral Over DB/KB Burpees

RX Men: 35-40# KB/DB
RX Women: 20-25# KB/DB

RX+ Men: 45-55# KB/DB / 9 Lateral Burpees
RX+ Women: 30-35# KB/DB / 9 Lateral Burpees

Score: Total Time
Goal: (First of all - DON'T get sloppy with the get ups!) Shoot for 12 - 18 Min.

You are shooting for 2-3 minute rounds here. If it is any faster than that, you are probably rushing the get ups. Take your time on those and focus on quality!

Hitting every position in the Turkish get up is extremely important so take your time on these and go as light as you need to. Use a shoe if you need to!

Start on your back. Holding the weight in your right hand, extend your arm straight up in the air. Bend your right knee so your right foot is flat on the floor.

Bring your left arm out to the side about 45°. Keep your right arm vertical for the entire movement. Roll onto your left forearm, then up to your left hand. Sweep your left leg under and behind your right leg so some of your weight is on your left shin.

Raise your left hand off the floor and come up into a lunge position. Stand up all the way.

To complete the rep, retrace your steps back down until you are lying on your back.

For these burpees, start standing next to your dumbbells (not facing), bend your knees, hinge forward at the hips and plant your hands on the floor. Step or jump your feet back to a plank position. Lower knees, hips, and chest all the way down to the floor then press back up. Jump or step your feet in - then jump over the dumbbells. The rep is complete when you land on the other side.



Full Body Simple Warm Up


6 Rounds
2 Sandbag Get Ups Right
6 Lateral Over Sandbag Burpees
2 Sandbag Get Ups Left
6 Lateral Over Sandbag Burpees

Ideal Sandbag Weights:
Men: 50-70#
Women: 25-45#

RX+ Men/Women: 4 Get Ups Each Time / 9 Lateral Burpees

Score: Total Time
Goal: (First of all - DON'T get sloppy with the get ups!) Shoot for 12-18 Min.

You are shooting for 2-3 minute rounds here. If it is any faster than that, you are probably rushing the get ups. Take your time on those and focus on quality!

For the get up, start lying on your back holding the bag to your chest with your left arm around the bag. Bend your left knee. Keep your chest up and roll on to your right forearm, then up to your right hand. Make sure your hand is planted directly under your shoulder.

Sweep your right foot under and behind you, plant your right knee under you and come into a kneeling position still holding the bag in your left arm. Stand up all the way. Finish the rep by retracing your steps back down to the floor.

For these burpees, start standing next to your sandbag (not facing), bend your knees, hinge forward at the hips and plant your hands on the floor. Step or jump your feet back to a plank position. Lower knees, hips, and chest all the way down to the floor then press back up. Jump or step your feet in - then jump over the sandbag. The rep is complete when you land on the other side.


TURKISH GET UPS - If you are not comfortable getting down and up from the floor, try subbing 1/4 or 1/2 Turkish Get Ups. If you're pregnant or in the rehab stage of postpartum feel free to sub any of the Core Functional Progressions!

WINDMILLS - This can be a really great movement for Mamas! Be sure to pay attention to your breathing and be mindful of over-stretching your hamstrings or lower back. Shorten the range of motion, use less weight, or give yourself something to hold onto for support if you need to.

BURPEES - Pay attention to any coning or doming you have in the plank position of the burpee or any sensation of pressure on your pelvic floor as you hop back or hop forward. Feel free to sub: No push up burpee, Elevated burpee, Step back/forward burpee, Air Squat + Elevated Push Up, Table Top (all fours position) + Air Squat, Ball Slams, KB Swings, Farmer/Goblet March, Glute Bridges, Sumo Deadlift High Pull