SOGO | WEEK 10 | 03/01/2020


3 Rounds of
24 Alternating Single Arm Skull Crushers
8 Single Arm No Bench Bent Row Right Arm
8 Single Arm No Bench Bent Row Left Arm
12 Wide Out Tricep Extensions
24 Diamond Push Ups
12 Standing Tricep Extensions

Rest 2 minutes between rounds

All sets unbroken except for diamond push ups.
Rest as needed between sets.
Don't try to rush this
Each round should take about 6-8 minutes.

Score: If used same dumbbell for each put that.  If not - put heaviest dumbbells and list what you used for each exercise in comments.

For the skull crushers keep the shoulders back and down and bend only from the elbow - Start with both arms extended vertically toward the ceiling.

Bend only at the elbow with one arm and lower the dumbbell just outside of the ear. Then straighten your am fully before repeating the movement with your other arm.

24 reps will be 12 on each arm.

The single arm no bench bent rows start in the bent row position with both arms extended straight down with a dumbbell in each hand.

Perform 8 rows with your right arm first, drawing your elbow alongside your torso as you raise the DB to your ribcage. Then, perform 8 rows with the left arm.

For wide out tricep extensions, lie on your back on a bench or the floor. With one DB in each hand bring your elbows out wide with the DBs resting on your chest. Bend the elbows and extend your arms fully, then bring the DBs back to the chest.

Perform these push ups with your hands together beneath your chest. Keep your body tight and shoot for sets of at least 8. Go to knees if needed.

For tricep extensions, use one heavy or two lighter dumbbells starting behind the head.  Keep the biceps by the ears, belly tight as you lock the elbows.  Control the lower back down.