30 Air Squats
20 Shoulder Press
30 Unweighted Lungesters
20 Shoulder Press
30 Air Squats

**If you want to add a light DB or KB to the goblet position for the squats and lungesters - go for it!  Note it in comments.

Score: Total Time
Goal: Under 12 Min

For this workout you will do a Lungester sandwich! 30 squats, 20 press, 30 lung ester, then 20 press, and finishing with 30 air squats.

For the air squats you will have the feet shoulder width apart with the heels down.  Lift the chest and tighten the belly.  Reach the butt back and down as you drive the knees out.  Ideally you will get your butt lower than your knees at the bottom with the chest up and belly still tight!  Drive through the heels and drive the knees out to stand completely.

If you tend to really collapse in the bottom position-  try slowing down just a bit.  You may also try holding on to something like a pole or doorway to help you lift your chest and stay back in your heels.

If you have pain or issue in the bottom from current or past injury or issue - you may choose to squat to a slightly higher target.

For the shoulder press you can use a KB, a single dumb bell, or two. Focus on keeping the rib cage down, bring the dumbbells all the way down to the shoulders each time and get them completely locked out overhead with the biceps in the ears!

For the unweighted Lungesters  you may perform the lunges portion as reverse stepping or forward stepping.  Make sure you take a long enough step that your front heel stays down when your back knee LIGHTLY touches the ground.  Don't allow the forward knee to cave in.  Keep the belly tight and chest up.  You will perform a lunge on each side.


Put the feet at shoulder width apart.  Heels down.   Reach the butt back and down.  Keep the heels down and drive the knees out.  Keep the chest up and belly tight. Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom.  Then stand up up all the way.

If you are unable to lunge you can sub a alternating step up on each side + a body weight squat. Make sure to put your WHOLE foot on the step each time.   Lower under control and switch feet.  Then you will perform the body weight squat.

For the goblet position hold the weight at the chest/shoulders


Lungesters - If you have any pubic symphysis pain or SPD focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. You could always do lighter weight, smaller step/less range of motion, or step up or forward instead of step back in the lunge lunge. You can also try stepping laterally onto a stack of plates or something instead of stepping back or up, sometimes this helps create some control in managing the position of the pelvis. Option to sub: Thrusters, Weighted Step Ups, Weighted Lateral Step Ups, Lunge + Lunge + Air Squat, Goblet/DB Squat

JERK/PRESS - Focus on proper alignment of your pelvis and spine. If you find yourself over extending in your back or coning in your belly sub less weight, Strict Press, Seated Strict Press, or even Front Raises.

ShiftGuest User2020week06