16 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 16 Min)

1 Min Jog, Row, Bike, Taps or Low Step Ups
20 Alternating Hang Dumbbell Snatches
8 Burpees

Idea weight for Men: Single 25-40# DB/KB
Idea weight for Women: Single 12-25# DB/KB

Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds + any Additional Reps
Goal: 6 Rounds +

For this workout you will cycle through the 1 min, 20 alternating snatches, and 8 burpees for 16 minutes.

For the first part you will move for 1 minute. You may choose from single unders (jump rope), low step ups, taps, a jog/run, bike, or row.

For the Alternating DB Hang Power Snatches you will bring the dumbbell to the waist.  You will hinge forward slightly while keeping the chest up and belly tight.  Keep the heels down and knees out - arm straight.  Stand up hard and fast - shrug the shoulder - punch the working elbow out to the side to keep the dumbbell close to the body as it travels UP!  From here you will either punch to lockout or punch to lockout WHILE punching yourself UNDER slightly.  Get the bicep by the ear and stand completely with it still there to complete the rep!

Lower back to the waist and switch hands.  You will alternate hands with each rep.

For the burpees you may do regular, knee push up burpees, no push up burpees, or even an elevated burpee!


RUN/JOG - To avoid the added pressure to the pelvic floor that the impact from running can create, sub: Taps, Row, Bike, Farmer Carry, Sled Push/Drag, Quick Step Ups. If you're postpartum and working towards rehab-ing your core and pelvic floor you can choose from the same subs for pregnancy and/or scaling the distance that you run so that you can focus on your posture, breathing mechanics, and managing the pressure of your or and pelvic floor.

BURPEES - Pay attention to any coning or doming you have in the plank position of the burpee or any sensation of pressure on your pelvic floor as you hop back or hop forward. Feel free to sub: No push up burpee, Elevated burpee, Step back/forward burpee, Air Squat + Elevated Push Up, Table Top (all fours position) + Air Squat, Ball Slams, KB Swings, Farmer/Goblet march, Glute Bridges, Sumo Deadlift High Pull

DB SNATCH - You can always choose a lighter weight or go from the hang position. If you're not comfortable going over head right now or find that you are coning during the overhead position of the movement, feel free to sub KB Swings, Waiter Walks, Banded Woodchops, Ball Slams

ShiftGuest User2020week05