12 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 12 Min)

1 Min Run/Jog, Row, Bike, Taps, Low Step Ups
10 Ring/TRX Row, Stretchy Band Pull Down, or Upright Row
15 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Deadlifts

Idea weight for Men: Single 40-55# KB/DB -or- pair of lighter dumbbells
Idea weight for Women: Single 12-30# KB/DB -or- pair of lighter dumbbells

Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds + Any Additional Reps
Goal: 5 Rounds +

For this workout you will cycle through the 1 minute run, bike, row, taps, or low step ups,  followed by 10 ring rows, followed by 15 deadlifts for 12 minutes

For the first part you will choose from a jog/run, taps, bike, row, or low step ups.

For the rows you will choose between a supine ring/bar in rack/TRX type row - or an upright row.

Remember on the supine rows that the more parallel your body is to the ground - the more difficult the pull becomes. Try to find a position that challenges you, but you can accomplish the 10 reps in no more than 2 sets. You can also use a stretchy band in a doorway on a pull up bar.

For the upright rows you will either have a single DB/KB in both hands or a pair of pretty light dumbbells (one in each hand).  The weight will start held at the waist with you standing tall.  Shrug the shoulders up - keep shoulder blades pulled back - then pull the elbows high and outside to bring the weight up the body.  This should look like you are zipping up your jacket.  Elbows should stay back!  Make sure not to let the shoulders and elbows roll forward.  Bring to chest height.  Lower under control.

For the deadlifts you will either have a single KB/DB between the feet or a pair of lighter dumbbells on the outsides of the feet.  Make sure the knees are bent, chest is up, arms are straight, and heels are down in the set up.  Lift the chest and squeeze the butt to stand!  Lower by reaching butt back and bending the knees while you keep the belly tight and chest up!


RUN/JOG - To avoid the added pressure to the pelvic floor that the impact from running can create, sub: Taps, Row, Bike, Farmer Carry, Sled Push/Drag, Quick Step Ups. If you're postpartum and working towards rehab-ing your core and pelvic floor you can choose from the same subs for pregnancy and/or scaling the distance that you run so that you can focus on your posture, breathing mechanics, and managing the pressure of your or and pelvic floor.

PULL UPS - For managing the pressure of the core and pelvic floor during Early Pregnancy or later on in the Rebuilding stages of PP sub: strict pull ups or banded pull ups. To avoid any coning in the belly during 2nd/3rd Trimester or Rehab stage of PP, while hanging from the bar sub: Ring Rows, Bent Over Rows, Banded Lat Pull Downs, BIRTHFIT Banded Woodchop, Banded Lat Pull Downs, DB/KB Front Raises. Kipping Pull Ups should only be added back into the later stages of Rebuilding in PP once the rehab is complete and athlete shows proficiency in strict movements.

KB SWING - If you notice and coning or pulling in the overhead position of the swing, sub shoulder height or eye level swings and focus on posture and breathing mechanics. If the shape of your body (preggo bellies!) is making the bottom position a little too tight for comfort, you can sub a single arm swing!

ShiftGuest User2020week01