GYMNASTICS | WEEK 33 | 08/11/2019
2 Rounds
30 Seconds Plank
10 Scapular Push Ups
10 Per Leg - Forward to Backward Swinging Kicks
10 Low Tuck to Standing Pike Extensions
1. Begin with your hands shoulder width apart on the floor. Fingers should be spread and gripping the ground for stability.
2. Shoulders sit directly over the wrists.
3. Your legs will be extended straight behind you, with your feet together, and only the toes/balls of your feet in contact with the ground (heels will the off the ground).
4. Squeeze your glutes and tuck your hips under (as if you were a dog with it’s tail between its legs) to engage the core and flatten out the lower back. No sagging allowed.
5. Reinforce shoulder extension by "pushing the floor away", which will slightly round the upper back. At this point, every muscle should be engaged and working to stay tight.
6. The goal is to make this a max effort position: Every muscle should be engaged and working to keep you as tight as possible.
Scapular Push Ups:
1. Set up in a plank position, with your shoulders directly over your wrists.
2. Keeping your entire body tight, allow only your shoulders to relax, and sag down towards the floor.
3. Re-engage the shoulders by "pressing away from the floor" and getting as tall as possible at the top of your plank position.
4. Continue releasing and extending your shoulders, without compromising your tight body position in the plank itself.
Forward to Backward Leg Swing
1. Begin standing on both feet, grabbing a sturdy object for support with your right hand (I recommend the post of a rig).
2. Extend your left arm directly out to the side, keeping it parallel to the floor for the entire set.
3. Keeping a straight leg, lift your left foot up in the air as high as possible.
4. Once you reach your full range of motion, drive the heel backward, using momentum to swing your eft leg behind you.
5. Continue swinging your left leg front to back, focusing on keep both legs locked out at all times.
6. Repeat steps for the right side.
EMOM 15 Min
(Every Minute on the Minute for 15 Min)
Min 1: 30 Seconds Ring Front Support
Min 2: 30 Seconds Wall Handstand Hold
Min 3: 40 Flutter Kicks
Subs and Modifications:
Assisted front support hold
Box handstand hold
Tucked flutter kicks
Ring Front Support
1. Begin standing between a pair of low hanging rings
2. Using a small jump, catch yourself in a hollowed position, with your arms locked out, keeping the rings close to your body
3. Press the rings down to the floor, activating the shoulders, and trying to get as tall as possible
4. Keep your legs straight and toes pointed to reinforce total body engagement
Wall Handstand Hold
1. Begin facing the wall, with your dominant leg out front, arms extended overhead
2. As you bend towards the floor, drive your back leg to help produce momentum to get upside down
3. When your first heel (gently) hits the wall, bring your second foot in and squeeze your legs together
4. Spread your fingers and grip the floor to help with balance
5. Activate your shoulders by "pushing the floor away" and getting as tall as possible
6. Keep your entire body as tight as possible through the entire set
Flutter Kicks
1. Begin laying on your back, legs extended forward and arms by your sides.
2. Push your lower back into the floor by squeezing the glutes, and pulling your belly button into your spine. Your lower back needs to remain in contact with the floor for the entire set.
3. Keeping the core engaged, lift your legs and shoulders off the floor simultaneously. Keep tension through the legs by squeezing the quads and pointing the toes. Arms remain by your sides parallel to the floor. At this point, you should be in a full hollow hold.
4. Alternate kicking each leg up and down at a quick pace. At the bottom, do not let the heels touch the floor. At the top, do not bring the feet higher than two feet off the floor.
5. The flutter kicks should be executed at a sprint pace.
Skill Focus: Pull Overs
Every 30 Seconds for 5 Rounds:
2 Pull Overs
Subs and Modifications:
Low bar pullover + front roll dismount
Pull Overs
1. Begin hanging from your bar, with hands gripping right outside the shoulders
2. Complete one pull-up, holding at the top with your chin above the bar
3. Keeping your chin above the bar, use your core and hip flexors to lift your legs towards the ceiling
4. Continue lifting your legs as you rotate backwards around the bar, shifting your hips towards the back of the bar
5. Press your palms into the top of the bar and lift your shoulders until you land in a front support
6. To roll forward, keep your arms straight, and lean forward over the front of the bar
7. Allow your shoulders to drop beneath the bar, and slowly slide your legs forward, off the bar, until you come back into a hang beneath the bar
8. IMPORTANT: Keep your arms straight the entire time, so as not to pull your head into the bar