Street Parking

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FRIDAY SHIFT 05/31/2019


Simple SHIFT Warm Up

3 Rounds
20 Taps
10 Skip Overs
10 Toe Touches
3 No Push Up Inchworm
5 Push Up / Knee Push Up
2 Lunge with Twist Right
2 Lunge with Twist Left
10 Air Squats

Increase speed each round!


5 Rounds
15 KB/DB Deadlifts
10 Bench/Box Dips
15 DB Jump Overs or Plate Hops

Idea weight for Men: 30-55# KB/DB - or - lighter pair of dumbbells
Idea weight for Women: 12-30# Single KB/DB - or - pair of lighter dumbbells

Score: Total Time
Goal:  Under 12 Min


For this workout you have a lot of options for both the dips and the jumps.  Choose whatever works best for you and will allow you to keep moving at an even pace.

For the deadlifts the kettlebell will start on the ground.  The feet are under the hips.  Heels are down.  Hips and knees are bent. Arms are straight.  Chest is up.  Belly tight.  Back flat!  To lift the kettlebell drive the heels into the ground and lift the chest. Keep the arms straight as you stand.  Keep the arms long and straight.  Keep the chest up and belly tight. Stand all of the way up at the top.

To lower - reach the butt back. Keep the chest lifted and belly tight. Keep those heels down. Once past the knees you will re-bend the knees and bring the kettlebell back to the starting position under control.

If using a pair of lighter KBs or DBs, start with the feet narrower and the objects just outside the feet. Bend your knees and keep your chest up!

For the dips you will start with your hands on the box, chair, or bench about shoulder width apart. Keeping your legs slightly bent, lower your body down toward the floor until your elbows go just past 90 degrees then press straight back up. Keep yourchest upright and your hips very close to the box or bench the whole way up and down.

You may also sub an elevated or knee push up in place of the dips.

For the jump overs you will face your dumbbell, a broomstick, or even a chalk line on the ground and jump over it.  Turn around and jump back.

For the plate hops you will use something roughly 2" tall like a 25# or 45# plate.  You will just hop onto it and then hop or step off!

If you are unable to jump at this time you may do low step ups or  a little skip over.

See this content in the original post