Street Parking

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SATURDAY 06/01/2019


Pre: Down Dog Flow, Couch Stretch
Post: Lower Back Release, Chest Opener




Full Body Simple Warm UP!

5-10 reps of quality movement through each
10 Toe Touches
10 Boot Strappers
10 Inch Worm + Down Dog
10 Spider Man + Reach

Barbell Clean Warm Up

5 Deadlift
3 High Hang Shrugs
3 Above Knee Shrugs
3 Mid shin shrugs
3 High Hang Muscle Clean
3 Above Knee Muscle Clean
3 Mid Shin Muscle Clean
5 Front Squats
3 High Hang Squat Clean
3 Above Knee Squat Clean
3 Mid Shin Squat Clean


3 Rounds
Each Round is a 4 Min AMRAP:
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 4 Min)
12 Hang Squat Cleans
6 Bar Facing Burpees

Rest 2 Min Between Rounds

RX Men: 75#
RX Women: 55#

RX + Men: 95# +
RX + Women: 65# +

Score: Lowest Scored Round ONLY
Goal: 3 + Rounds every AMRAP


This workout has a fun mental component in addition to a super potent combination of movements.  You are only logging your slowest round so you definitely want to push the pace.  BUT if you overdo it that 3rd round could come back to haunt you! Err on the side of consistency across all 3 rounds.

For the hang squat clean you will deadlift the barbell to the hips with hands just outside the legs.  Your feet are between hip and shoulder width, heels down.  Stand tall.  Tighten the belly.  Arms straight.  Reach the hips back slightly and bend the knees to dip.  Keep the barbell back and arms straight.  Stand up hard and fast! Shrug the shoulders.  Pull the barbell up the body with the elbows high and back and pull YOURSELF DOWN at the same time.  You will rotate the elbows around and through FAST to allow the barbell to land on the shoulders in the bottom of the squat.

In this squat position heels are down, knees out, chest up, belly tight, butt lower than knees, no plopping or rounding, elbows high!  Drive through the heels and drive knees out to stand.  Lead with chest and elbows, stand fully to complete each rep. For the next rep you will lower the barbell back to the hips.

To scale the hang squat clean, separate the movement into a hang power clean followed by a front squat.

For the barbell facing burpees you will face your barbell. Get your chest and thighs to the ground by either jumping or stepping back. Jump or step the feet back in. Jump over your barbell. Turn around and repeat!

Scale burpees to no-push up version.




Full Body Simple Warm UP!

5-10 reps of quality movement through each
10 Toe Touches
10 Boot Strappers
10 Inch Worm + Down Dog
10 Spider Man + Reach

Dumbbell Clean Warm Up

Bootstrappers 60 seconds
Air squats 10 seconds
Squat hold 60 seconds
Then with lighter dumbbells
Goblet squats 5 REPS
Deadlifts 10 REPS
Hang muscle cleans 10 REPS
High hang muscle cleans 10 REPS
Muscle cleans (from floor) 10 REPS
Hang Power cleans 10 REPS
High hang power cleans 10 REPS
Power cleans (from floor) 10 REPS
Hang squat cleans 10 REPS
High hang squat cleans 10 REPS
Full squat cleans (from floor) 10 REPS


3 Rounds
Each Round is a 4 Min AMRAP:
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 4 Min)

12 Hang Squat Cleans
6 DB Facing Burpees

Rest 2 Min Between Rounds

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX + Men: 50# DBs +
RX + Women: 35# DBs +

Score: Lowest Scored Round ONLY
Goal: 3 + Rounds every AMRAP


This workout has a fun mental component in addition to a super potent combination of movements.  You are only logging your slowest round so you definitely want to push the pace.  BUT if you overdo it that 3rd round could come back to haunt you! Err on the side of consistency across all 3 rounds.

For the hang squat clean you will deadlift the DBs to the hips with hands just outside the legs.  Your feet are between hip and shoulder width, heels down.  Stand tall.  Tighten the belly.  Arms straight.  Reach the hips back slightly and bend the knees to dip.  Keep the DBs back and arms straight.  Stand up hard and fast! Shrug the shoulders.  Pull the DBs up the body with the elbows high and back and pull YOURSELF DOWN at the same time.  You will rotate the elbows around and through FAST to allow the DBs to land on the shoulders in the bottom of the squat.

In this squat position heels are down, knees out, chest up, belly tight, butt lower than knees, no plopping or rounding, elbows high!  Drive through the heels and drive knees out to stand.  Lead with chest and elbows, stand fully to complete each rep. For the next rep you will lower the DBs back to the hips.

To scale the hang squat clean, separate the movement into a hang power clean followed by a front squat.

For the dumbbell facing burpees you will face your dumbbells. Get your chest and thighs to the ground by either jumping or stepping back. Jump or step the feet back in. Jump over your dumbbells. Turn around and repeat!

Scale burpees to no-push up version.




Full Body Simple Warm UP!

5-10 reps of quality movement through each
10 Toe Touches
10 Boot Strappers
10 Inch Worm + Down Dog
10 Spider Man + Reach

Dumbbell Clean Warm Up

Bootstrappers 60 seconds
Air squats 10 seconds
Squat hold 60 seconds
Then with lighter dumbbells
Goblet squats 5 REPS
Deadlifts 10 REPS
Hang muscle cleans 10 REPS
High hang muscle cleans 10 REPS
Muscle cleans (from floor) 10 REPS
Hang Power cleans 10 REPS
High hang power cleans 10 REPS
Power cleans (from floor) 10 REPS
Hang squat cleans 10 REPS
High hang squat cleans 10 REPS
Full squat cleans (from floor) 10 REPS


3 Rounds
Each Round is a 4 Min AMRAP:
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 4 Min)
12 Sandbag Hang Squat Cleans
6 Sandbag Facing Burpees

Rest 2 Min Between Rounds

No RX or RX+ for sandbag stuff as usual.  Use what you've got and lower reps if your bag is super heavy.

Score: Lowest Scored Round ONLY
Goal: 3 + Rounds every AMRAP


This workout has a fun mental component in addition to a super potent combination of movements.  You are only logging your slowest round so you definitely want to push the pace.  BUT if you overdo it that 3rd round could come back to haunt you! Err on the side of consistency across all 3 rounds.

For the hang squat clean you will deadlift the sandbag to the hips. Your feet are between hip and shoulder width, heels down.  Stand tall.  Tighten the belly.  Arms straight.  Reach the hips back slightly and bend the knees to dip.  Keep the sandbag close and arms straight.  Stand up hard and fast! Shrug the shoulders.  Pull the sandbag up the body and pull YOURSELF DOWN at the same time.  You will rotate the elbows around and through FAST to allow the sandbag to land on the biceps in the bottom of the squat.

In this squat position heels are down, knees out, chest up, belly tight, butt lower than knees, no plopping or rounding, elbows high!  Drive through the heels and drive knees out to stand.  Lead with chest and elbows, stand fully to complete each rep. For the next rep you will lower the sandbag back to the hips.

To scale the hang power clean, separate it tino a hang power clean then a front squat.

For the sandbag facing burpees you will face your sandbag. Get your chest and thighs to the ground by either jumping or stepping back. Jump or step the feet back in. Jump over your sandbag. Turn around and repeat!

Scale to a no push up burpee.




Full Body Simple Warm UP!

5-10 reps of quality movement through each
10 Toe Touches
10 Boot Strappers
10 Inch Worm + Down Dog
10 Spider Man + Reach

Barbell Clean Warm Up

5 Deadlift
3 High Hang Shrugs
3 Above Knee Shrugs
3 Mid shin shrugs
3 High Hang Muscle Clean
3 Above Knee Muscle Clean
3 Mid Shin Muscle Clean
5 Front Squats
3 High Hang Squat Clean
3 Above Knee Squat Clean
3 Mid Shin Squat Clean


In Teams of 2 Complete:
24 Rounds - You go I go
12 Hang Squat Cleans
6 Bar Facing Burpees

You do 1 full round - then your partner does 1 full round.  Keep switching back and forth until you have both done 12 rounds.

RX Men: 75#
RX Women: 55#

RX + Men: 95# +
RX + Women: 65# +

Score:  Total Time
Goal: Under 24 Min


With one person resting at a time that means I'm resting for half the workout right?  Right, but be careful what you wish for, that means you are going twice as hard when it is your turn to work!

Keep in mind that since only one partner is working at a time, you both can have different weights and even uses different equipment.

As long as you switch off every round and you each complete 12 total rounds you're good.

For the hang squat clean you will deadlift the bar to the hips with hands just outside the legs.  Your feet are between hip and shoulder width, heels down.  Stand tall.  Tighten the belly.  Arms straight.  Reach the hips back slightly and bend the knees to dip.  Keep the bar close and arms straight.  Stand up hard and fast! Shrug the shoulders.  Pull the bar up the body with the elbows high and outside and pull YOURSELF DOWN at the same time.  You will rotate the elbows around and through FAST to allow the bar to land on the shoulders in the bottom of the squat.

In this squat position heels are down, knees out, chest up, belly tight, butt lower than knees, no plopping or rounding, elbows high!  Drive through the heels and drive knees out to stand.  Lead with chest and elbows, stand fully to complete each rep. For the next rep you will lower the barbell back to the hips.

To scale the hang squat clean, separate it into a hang power clean followed by a front squat.

For the barbell facing burpees you will face your barbell. Get your chest and thighs to the ground by either jumping or stepping back. Jump or step the feet back in. Jump over your barbell. Turn around and repeat!

Scale to no push up burpee.

See this content in the original post