Street Parking

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WEDNESDAY 06/26/2019

Program A only today - super simple and can be done with a single KB or DB for all of you on some sort of Summer Vacation!


Pre: Ankles/Calves, Airplane Stretch
Post: Chest Opener, Cool Down Flow




Full Body Simple Warm UP!

5-10 reps of quality movement through each
10 Toe Touches
10 Boot Strappers
10 Inch Worm + Down Dog
10 Spider Man + Reach


For Time

10 KB/DB Swings
10 Push Ups
30 Double Unders

15 KB/DB Swings
15 Push Ups
30 Double Unders

20 KB/DB Swings
20 Push Ups
30 Double Unders

20 KB/DB Swings
20 Push Ups
30 Double Unders

15 KB/DB Swings
15 Push Ups
30 Double Unders

10 KB/DB Swings
10 Push Ups
30 Double Unders

RX Men: 50-55# KB/DB
RX Women: 30-35# KB/DB

RX+ - If you are really dying to go heavier - go for it but it's prob not necessary. Just push to go unbroken!

Score: Total Time
Goal: Under 16 Min


Nice little pyramid rep scheme for you today which means you might be tempted to go out hot! Pace your first round as if it were the 3rd or 4th round, then try to be consistent and hold that pace for the entire workout.

For the swings you will hold the weight with both hands at the waist. Feet are about shoulder width apart. Heels are down. Hinge forward at the hips and bend the knees slightly. Keep the chest lifted and heels down. Belly tight and arms straight. Pull the weight back through the legs. Stand up HARD and FAST to make the bell weightless and then (keeping the belly tight) guide the weight all of the way overhead! Allow gravity to bring it back down and back between the legs. Don't allow it to pull you forward. Keep those heels down!

For the push up we want to see a rigid body position with shoulders above or beyond the wrists and hands just wider than shoulder width. Squeeze your butt, your thighs and your belly. No sagging hips or snaking.
Keep your elbows within 45 degrees to the body as you lower your chest and thighs to make contact with the floor. Stay engaged. Press back up to the the top until arms are totally straight.

Feel free to modify with push ups from the knees or elevated. Choose a variation that you can do at least 10 unbroken reps.

For the double unders, your rope will pass two times under your feet for every one jump. Keep your chest up and your landing soft. It's just like a single under but you jump a little higher and spin the rope faster using your wrists, not your arms! For this workout you will want to choose a type/number of double unders that will allow you to finish that part in less than 1 min each time. If 30 double unders will be really broken up, you may want to lower to 20 reps. If 20 will still be really broken, maybe choose to go with the dumbbell hop overs or double rep singles for this workout.


All right guys, today is a great day, well, any day really is a great day to work on your Double Unders and throw them into the workout. For this workout, if you want to just set a certain amount of time each round, as opposed to making yourself get 30, 20, 10 and then back up. I think that's backwards. Anyway, that's totally fine. Something to work on, even if you're just scaling down to singles, is keeping your hands low and your elbows in tight to your body. When your hands get out wide it's more likely that you're going to trip and skip over your rope. All right? So keep your elbows in and your hands low and slightly in front of your body, even if you're just practicing singles, because eventually that's going to be really important for the doubles.

For more tips on Double Unders, make sure you guys check out the members only section on the members only website for progression to get that.

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