WEDNESDAY 04/17/2019


Pre: Power - Oly
Post: Suns Out Guns Out

Pre: Morning Coffee
Post: Neck and Shoulder Reliever, Stress Relief, Shoulder Stretch




Full Body Simple Warm UP!

5-10 reps of quality movement through each

10 Toe Touches
10 Boot Strappers
10 Inch Worm + Down Dog
10 Spider Man + Reach


4 Rounds
Each Round is:

2 Wall Walk
16 Reps 1/2 Up 1/2 Down Lunge Right Arm
2 Wall Walk
16 Reps 1/2 Up 1/2 Down Lunge Left Arm
2 Wall Walk

Rest 1 Min Between Rounds

RX Men: 40# Dis
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX+ Men: 50# DBs+
RX + Women: 35# DBs+

Score: Total Time including Rest
Goal: Less than 4 Min (of work) each round.  Shoot for under 3 if possible, but don't get sloppy!


Boulder shoulders here we come!! This one is going to be a good one.  1 min rest is going to be super important so that you can push to go fast and hopefully somewhat broken on the lunges and hold on for dear life on the wall walks.

For the wall walk you will start in the bottom of a push up with the feet against the wall.  You will start walking the feet up the wall and press up to the top of the push up and walk your hands back.  Keep the belly tight - no sagging hips!  You will walk all of the way back to the wall until the chest touches.  Then you will walk the hands back out away from the wall and walk the feet down the wall.  No Slamming or sliding down!  If doing full on wall walks is not comfortable for you yet - you may choose to go only part of the way up and come down.  You may also scale to pike on the box ups (raise the number if these are fast for you) or even inchworms or you can cut the wall walks to 1 rep  or check SHIFT for more options.

The 1/2 Up - 1/2 Down Lunge is where one dumbbell is locked out overhead while the other is at the shoulder.  You will lunge in that position alternating feet.  So for each set of 16 you do 8 per leg. For the first set of 16 your right arm will be locked out holding the dumbbell with the bicep by the ear - and your left arm will hold the dumbbell at the shoulder.  For the second set of 16 your left arm will be locked out holding the dumbbell with the bicep by the ear - and the right arm will hold the dumbbell at the shoulder.  Make sure that you take a long enough step each time  that the front heel can stay down while the back knee touches.  Chest up! Stand up! A couple subs for the 1/2 up/down lunge, could be brining both DBs down to the shoulders, or hold 1 DB at your side with the other at the shoulder. Or just a single DB OH and no weight in the other hand.  You may also sub step ups to a box, bench or stack of plates




Full Body Simple Warm UP!

5-10 reps of quality movement through each

10 Toe Touches
10 Boot Strappers
10 Inch Worm + Down Dog
10 Spider Man + Reach


4 Rounds
Each Round is:

2 Wall Walk
16 Overhead Lunges
2 Wall Walk
16 Overhead Lunges
2 Wall Walk

Rest 1 Min Between Rounds

RX Men: 75#
RX Women: 55#

RX+ Men: 95#+
RX + Women: 65#+

Score: Total Time including Rest
Goal: Less than 4 Min (of work) each round.  Shoot for under 3 if possible, but don't get sloppy!


Boulder shoulders here we come!!  This one is going to be a good one. 1 min rest is going to be super important so that you can push to go fast and hopefully somewhat broken on the lunges and hold on for dear life on the wall walks.

For the wall walk you will start in the bottom of a push up with the feet against the wall.  You will start walking the feet up the wall and press up to the top of the push up and walk your hands back.  Keep the belly tight - no sagging hips!  Ideally you will walk all of the way back to the wall until the chest touches.  Then you will walk the hands back out away from the wall and walk the feet down the wall.  No Slamming or sliding down!  If doing full on wall walks is not comfortable for you yet - you may choose to go only part of the way up and come down.  You may also scale to pike on the box ups (raise the number if these are fast for you) or even inchworms or cut the wall walks to 1 or check SHIFT for more options.

For the overhead lunges you will hold the bar in the overhead lockout position with the biceps by the ears. You may perform forward stepping, reverse stepping, or even walking lunges. Make sure you take a long enough step with the front leg so that your heel can be down on that foot when the back knee GENTLY touches the ground. Stand all of the way up between reps and alternate legs with each lunge. So for each set of 16 you end up doing 8 on each side.

You can sub the barbell for a plate OH if not able to perform with a barbell, or if going OH isn't in the cards at this time, bring the barbell down to the front rack position or bearhug the plate and perform your lunges this ways.




Full Body Simple Warm UP!

5-10 reps of quality movement through each

10 Toe Touches
10 Boot Strappers
10 Inch Worm + Down Dog
10 Spider Man + Reach


4 Rounds
Each Round is:

20 Foot Handstand Walk
16 Reps 1/2 Up 1/2 Down Lunge Right Arm
20 Foot Handstand Walk
16 Reps 1/2 Up 1/2 Down Lunge Left Arm
20 Foot Handstand Walk

Rest 1 Min Between Rounds

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX+ Men: 50# DBs+
RX + Women: 35# DBs+

Score: Total Time including Rest
Goal: Less than 4 Min (of work) each round.  Shoot for under 3 if possible, but don't get sloppy!


Well - boulder shoulders here we come!!  This one is going to be a good one.  That 1 min rest is going to be super important so that you can push to go fast and hopefully somewhat broken on the lunges and hold on for dear life on the handstand walks.

If you need to shorten the distance to even 10' or give yourself 1 min each time to attempt to get 20' that is fine for those who are still new to handstand walking but want to add it in.

The 1/2 Up - 1/2 Down Lunge is where one dumbbell is locked out overhead while the other is at the shoulder.  You will lunge in that position alternating feet.  So for each set of 16 you do 8 per leg. For the first set of 16 your right arm will be locked out holding the dumbbell with the bicep by the ear - and your left arm will hold the dumbbell at the shoulder.  For the second set of 16 your left arm will be locked out holding the dumbbell with the bicep by the ear - and the right arm will hold the dumbbell at the shoulder.  Make sure that you take a long enough step each time  that the front heel can stay down while the back knee touches.  Chest up! Stand up!  You can step backwards or forwards, walking, its up to you, just keep your CHEST UP especially when walking!

A couple subs for the 1/2 up/down lunge, could be brining both DBs down to the shoulder instead of 1 OH as you lunge, or hold 1 DB at your side with the other at the shoulder.  You may also sub step ups to a box, bench or stack of plates in place of the lunges, and alternate legs the same as you would for the lunges.  If weight of any kind is not an option today, switch to body weight lunges or step-ups instead. The workout is your oyster.