Street Parking

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MONDAY 03/11/2019

MONDAY RE-TEST TIME!!  This workout was originally posted on 07/14/2017! And then posted AGAIN on 04/09/2018! Make sure to go back and check your score so you can use the same weight and get more reps or use more weight and try to match your previous score(s)!




Barbell Clean Warm Up

5 Deadlift

3 High Hang Shrugs
3 Above Knee Shrugs
3 Mid shin shrugs

3 High Hang Muscle Clean
3 Above Knee Muscle Clean
3 Mid Shin Muscle Clean

5 Front Squats

3 High Hang Squat Clean
3 Above Knee Squat Clean
3 Mid Shin Squat Clean

Overhead Warm Up

1 minute bandy lat stretch (right)
1 minute bandy lat stretch (left)

With empty barbell or PVC pipe:
2 minute Front Rack mobility from the back rack position
Rotate both elbows forward to front rack position (pause and hold)
Rotate left elbow forward to front rack (pause and hold)
Rotate right elbow forward to front rack (pause and hold)

3 SETS: build lightly each set
5 Strict press
5 Dip to shrug
5 Push press
5 Push jerk


5 Rounds:
Each Round is for Max Reps
Each Round is in a 2 Min Window:

Run 200 Meters
Max Reps Clean and Jerk
in remainder of 2 min!

Rest 2 Min between rounds!

RX Men: 135#
RX Women: 85#

RX Plus Men: 135# Power Snatch
RX Plus Women: 85# Power Snatch

Goal:  6+ Reps each time!


2 options for this one!  This time, instead of RX Plus being heavier - we switched it to a power snatch.

Either way you can pick which movement you want to work on and go heavier or lighter based on the goal being between 6-12 reps each round.

The goal is to go ALL out for each round.  We want you to NEED the 2 min rest between rounds because you left nothing in the tank!

The run distance should take you around :45 to 1:00 when you are running at a pretty good clip.  If you don't have a perfect 200 meters measured find that.

If you absolutely can't run for space or weather restrictions - you may sub one of the following: 1 min Lower box step ups - like 15-18"box, 40 double unders if you aren't too sore from previous du workout, 1 min of walking lunge steps, 1 min of Mtn Climbers.

For the clean and jerks or snatches.  The weight should not be a weight that will allow you to just mindlessly touch and go for 15 reps.

BUT, this is a different idea than last week's snatch workout.  It should be a weight that allows you at least 6 reps EVERY time.

These reps can be done in singles or small touch and go sets!

Go all the way until the time is up each time since you get such a long rest after!

Remember to focus on keeping the back flat as you pick the bar up and put it down!  Use the leg and hip drive and no landing for either movement wider than your squat stance!




Dumbbell Clean Warm Up

Bootstrappers 60 seconds
Air squats 10 seconds
Squat hold 60 seconds

Then with lighter dumbbells

Goblet squats 5 REPS
Deadlifts 10 REPS
Hang muscle cleans 10 REPS
High hang muscle cleans 10 REPS
Muscle cleans (from floor) 10 REPS
Hang Power cleans 10 REPS
High hang power cleans 10 REPS
Power cleans (from floor) 10 REPS
Hang squat cleans 10 REPS
High hang squat cleans 10 REPS

Full squat cleans (from floor) 10 REPS

Feel free to omit the full squat on this today - although it IS a great way to warm up even if you are doing power cleans in the workout itself!

Dumbbell Shoulder Warm Up

10 Arm Circles Right
10 Arm Circles Left
10 Double Arm Circles

10 Scarecrow Press
10 Band Pull Aparts

60 Second Banded Lat Stretch Right
60 Second Banded Lat Stretch Left

10 Single DB Goblet Press
5 Alternating Press + Press (Press Right, Press Left, Both)
5 Push Press
5 Push Jerk


5 Rounds:
Each Round is for Max Reps
Each Round is in a 2 Min Window:

Run 200 Meters
Max Reps DB Clean and Jerk
in remainder of 2 min!

Rest 2 Min between rounds!

RX Men: 50#ish DBs
RX Women: 35#ish DBs

RX Plus Men: 60#ish Plus DBs
RX Plus Women: 45#ish Plus DBs

Goal:  6+ Reps each time!


The goal is to go ALL out for each round.  We want you to NEED the 2 min rest between rounds because you left nothing in the tank!

The run distance should take you around :45 to 1:00 when you are running at a pretty good clip.  If you don't have a perfect 200 meters measured find that.

If you absolutely can't run for space or weather restrictions - you may sub one of the following: 1 min Lower box step ups - like 15-18"box, 40 double unders if you aren't too sore from previous du workout, 1 min of walking lunge steps, 1 min of Mtn Climbers.

For the clean and jerks .  the weight should not be a weight that will allow you to just mindlessly touch and go for 15 reps.

BUT, this is a different idea than last week's snatch workout.  It should be a weight that allows you at least 6 reps EVERY time.

These reps can be done in singles or small touch and go sets!

Go all the way until the time is up each time since you get such a long rest after!

Each rep must have 1 head of each dumbbell touch the ground at the bottom and be completely overhead with locked elbows and you standing all of the way up at the top!

Focus on using a clean and small jerk instead of just muscling it up there.  Press yourself under the weight!

Remember to focus on keeping the back flat as you pick the bar up and put it down!  Use the leg and hip drive and no landing for either movement wider than your squat stance!




Barbell Clean Warm Up

5 Deadlift

3 High Hang Shrugs
3 Above Knee Shrugs
3 Mid shin shrugs

3 High Hang Muscle Clean
3 Above Knee Muscle Clean
3 Mid Shin Muscle Clean

5 Front Squats

3 High Hang Squat Clean
3 Above Knee Squat Clean
3 Mid Shin Squat Clean

Overhead Warm Up

1 minute bandy lat stretch (right)
1 minute bandy lat stretch (left)

With empty barbell or PVC pipe:
2 minute Front Rack mobility from the back rack position
Rotate both elbows forward to front rack position (pause and hold)
Rotate left elbow forward to front rack (pause and hold)
Rotate right elbow forward to front rack (pause and hold)

3 SETS: build lightly each set
5 Strict press
5 Dip to shrug
5 Push press
5 Push jerk


5 Rounds:
Each Round is for Max Reps
Each Round is in a 2 Min Window:

Row 250 Meters
Bike 15 Cal Men or 10 Cal Women
Max Reps Clean and Jerk
in remainder of 2 min!

Rest 2 Min between rounds!

RX Men: 135#
RX Women: 85#

RX Plus Men: 135# Power Snatch
RX Plus Women: 85# Power Snatch

Goal:  6+ Reps each time!


2 options for this one!  This time, instead of RX Plus being heavier - we switched it to a power snatch.

Either way you can pick which movement you want to work on and go heavier or lighter based on the goal being between 6-12 reps each round.

The goal is to go ALL out for each round.  We want you to NEED the 2 min rest between rounds because you left nothing in the tank!

The bike or row distance should take roughly 45 seconds to 1 min each time. Do NOT overpace this!

For the clean and jerks or snatches.  The weight should not be a weight that will allow you to just mindlessly touch and go for 15 reps.

BUT, this is a different idea than last week's snatch workout.  It should be a weight that allows you at least 6 reps EVERY time.

These reps can be done in singles or small touch and go sets!

Go all the way until the time is up each time since you get such a long rest after!

Remember to focus on keeping the back flat as you pick the bar up and put it down!  Use the leg and hip drive and no landing for either movement wider than your squat stance!

See this content in the original post