SATURDAY 2.16.19


5 Rounds

40 Double Unders
20 Wall Balls

RX Men: 20#ish Ball
RX Women: 13-15# Ball

RX + Men and Women: Go Up to 50 DU and 30 Wall Balls Each Round

Ideal wall ball target height is between 9-10'.  BUT - it's your workout and we encourage you to modify to meet your needs both in ability and for your workout space.

Score: Total Time

Goal: Under 20 Min


Pretty simple today but it will be a GASSER!  The main instruction will be to scale the double unders (either in number or choosing a different movement) if the 40 reps will take you longer than about 1:30 or so each time.  If you need to lower to 30 or even 25 - that is fine.  Any lower than that and you will kind of change the stimulus of the workout so we encourage you to just switch do either dumbbell hop overs, mountain climbers, or even double rep single unders. (We like the hop overs best).

"For the wall ball reps you will hold the ball at your chest with the elbows tucked in.  Feet are under the shoulders with the heels down.  Chest up and belly tight!  Reach the butt back and down.  Keep the heels down.  Drive the knees out.  Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom.  No plopping or rounding!  Keep that chest up!  Drive through the legs and use that power to help you throw the ball!

When you catch it.  Catch first and then squat."


5 Rounds

40 Double Unders
15 EMPTY BARBELL Thrusters

RX Men: 45# Bar
RX Women: 35-45# Bar

RX + Men and Women: Go Up to 50 DU and 20 Thrusters Each Round

Ladies - if you have a 35# Bar - awesome. If not - go for the 45# and lower to 10 reps per round if you need to in order to make the time goal.

Score: Total Time

Goal: Under 20 Min


Pretty simple today but it will be a GASSER!  The main instruction will be to scale the double unders (either in number or choosing a different movement) if the 40 reps will take you longer than about 1:30 or so each time.  If you need to lower to 30 or even 25 - that is fine.  Any lower than that and you will kind of change the stimulus of the workout so we encourage you to just switch do either dumbbell hop overs, mountain climbers, or even double rep single unders. (We like the hop overs best).

For the thrusters the bar will be on the shoulders with the elbows high.  Feet under shoulders, heels down.  You will reach butt back and down and get to the bottom of the squat with the bar on the shoulders and keeping the elbows high.  Stand hard and fast to pop the bar off of the body.  Move the face out of the way and press the bar straight up. Keep belly tight and finish locked out overhead.


5 Rounds

30 Cal Row Men / 23 Cal Row Women
25 Cal Bike Men / 18 Cal Bike Women
20 Wall Balls  OR Shoulder to Shoulder Sandbag Thrusters

RX Men: 20#ish Ball
RX Women: 13-15# Ball

RX + Men and Women: Go Up to 50 DU and 30 Wall Balls Each Round

Ideal wall ball target height is between 9-10'.  BUT - it's your workout and we encourage you to modify to meet your needs both in ability and for your workout space.

You may ALSO do the sandbag version with the Double Unders as seen in Program A/B.

If your sandbag is super heavy - lower the number of thrusters to 12-15 Reps.

Score: Total Time

Goal: Under 20 Min


So you have your choice of Double Unders, Bike, or Row.  Then you can choose between wall ball or sandbag.  You could even use the barbell version with the bike/row if you wanted to.

Pretty simple today but it will be a GASSER!  The main instruction will be to scale the double unders (either in number or choosing a different movement) if the 40 reps will take you longer than about 1:30 or so each time.  If you need to lower to 30 or even 25 - that is fine.  Any lower than that and you will kind of change the stimulus of the workout so we encourage you to just switch do either dumbbell hop overs, mountain climbers, or even double rep single unders. (We like the hop overs best).

That same time frame goal applies with the Row/Bike distance if you choose to use one of those options.

"For the wall ball reps you will hold the ball at your chest with the elbows tucked in.  Feet are under the shoulders with the heels down.  Chest up and belly tight!  Reach the butt back and down.  Keep the heels down.  Drive the knees out.  Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom.  No plopping or rounding!  Keep that chest up!  Drive through the legs and use that power to help you throw the ball!

When you catch it.  Catch first and then squat."

If doing the side to side sandbag thrusters:

 You will have the bag on one shoulder.  Squat to the bottom.  Stand up hard and fast and use the momentum created by the legs to press the bag up and over to the other side!


In Teams of 2 Complete

5 Rounds

40 Double Unders (Each)
50 Wall Balls (combined - one person works at a time)

RX Men: 20#ish Ball
RX Women: 13-15# Ball

RX + Men and Women: Go Up to 50 DU and 60 Wall Balls Each Round

BOTH can double under at the same time until you have EACH hit 40 double unders.  Only ONE person works at a time on the wall balls and it's 50 reps per round COMBINED.

Ideal wall ball target height is between 9-10'.  BUT - it's your workout and we encourage you to modify to meet your needs both in ability and for your workout space.

Score: Total Time

Goal: Under 20 Min


For the team version BOTH team members will do the 40 double under every time and will work at the same time.  Then - when they move to the wall ball - they will work one at a time.  You may break these up however you want.

Pretty simple today but it will be a GASSER!  The main instruction will be to scale the double unders (either in number or choosing a different movement) if the 40 reps will take you longer than about 1:30 or so each time.  If you need to lower to 30 or even 25 - that is fine.  Any lower than that and you will kind of change the stimulus of the workout so we encourage you to just switch do either dumbbell hop overs, mountain climbers, or even double rep single unders. (We like the hop overs best).

"For the wall ball reps you will hold the ball at your chest with the elbows tucked in.  Feet are under the shoulders with the heels down.  Chest up and belly tight!  Reach the butt back and down.  Keep the heels down.  Drive the knees out.  Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom.  No plopping or rounding!  Keep that chest up!  Drive through the legs and use that power to help you throw the ball!

When you catch it.  Catch first and then squat."

MIranda Alcaraz2019week6