TUESDAY SHIFT 12/24/2019


12 Days of SHIFT Christmas!!
You perform the workout just like the song!

1 Inch worm
2 Burpee
3 KB press
4 Goblet Squats
5 Push Up
6 Upright Row
7 KB Clean
8 Alt Lunge
9 Deadlift
10 KB Swing
11 Sit Up
12 Step Up

Idea weight for Men: 35-50# KB or DB
Idea weight for Women: 12-25# KB or DB

Score: Total Time

You will do this like the song...
1 Inch Worm
2 Burpees
1 Inch Worm
3 KB Press
2 Burpees
1 Inch Worm
4 Goblet Squats
3 KB Press
2 Burpees
1 Inch Worm

and so on...

SO much fun!

Please make sure to watch demo video to see proper form and subs for all movements!  Use the same weight - single KB/DB for each of the weighted movements.  You may also use a set of light dumbbells if you prefer to!


This workout should be about having fun and moving steadily. Substitute any movements that are going to allow you to stay safe while keeping a steady pace. You can use the normal modifications or search previous workouts for additional suggestions but don't worry about trying to pick movements that are the same as the written workout. You can even repeat some movements if you need to! Just get moving and enjoy!