SOGO | WEEK 50 | 12/08/2019


Part 1
Seated Shoulder Press (6 x 8 (8 Reps Every Minute for 6 Minutes))

Choose a load you can do all 8 reps in a single set.

Set up for the seated shoulder press in an upright seated position with the DBs on the shoulders with elbows high. Keep the rib cage down and belly tight. Press the dumbbells straight up until your elbows are locked out with biceps by the ears. Bring the dumbbells all the way down to the shoulders.

Rest 2 Min before Part 2

Part 2
Strict Pull Ups (6 x 8 (6-8 Reps Per Minute for 6 Min))

No kipping, unassisted, unweighted pull ups.Score is total number of strict pull ups in the 6 min - never doing more than 8 in one min. So you will do 36-48 total reps.

Keep these strict, so use a band or go to a ring row or bent row if you need to.

Start with an overhand grip on the bar. Squeeze your legs together, squeeze your butt and pull your shoulders down away from your ears. Pull your chin all the way up above the bar then lower all the way down until your arms are straight.

Rest 2 min before part 3.

Every minute on the minute for 9 minutes:
min 1 - 12 Lateral Raises
min 2 - 12 Upright Row
min 3 - 12 Reverse Snow AngelsThis is 3 total rounds for each movement. Choose a load you can do all 12 reps in a single set.

For the Lateral Raise, the arm will have a very slight bend. Both arms will move at the same time. The arms will go out to the side of the body/slightly in front until you form a T shape with the arms parallel to the ground, wrist pointing down. Avoid an excessive "kip" or bounce.

For the upright row, stand up tall with a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your chest up and belly tight as you pull the dumbbells up to your chest. They should stay close to your body. Elbows shouldn't really go higher than your shoulders. Lower back to your waist with control.

For the reverse snow angels, lay face down on the ground holding very light plates or dbs in your hands. We're talking light, like 2.5-5lbs. Squeeze your but and your legs together. Retract your shoulders and draw them away from your ears. Raise your legs and chest into an arch-up position and extend your arms out to a T. Maintain the arch -up position as you move your arms out in front of you, then back to a T.