ENDURANCE | WEEK 50 | 12/08/2019


Running Version:

6 Min Run
3 Min Rest
5 Min Run
2:30 Rest
4 Min Run
2 Min Rest
3 Min Run
1:30 Rest
2 Min Run
1 Min Rest
1 Min Run
:30 Rest

Score is total distance!

Try to find a pace for each interval that is sustainable for that total time domain. In other words - don't come out too hot.


Rowing Version:

6 Min Row
3 Min Rest
5 Min Row
2:30 Rest
4 Min Row
2 Min Rest
3 Min Row
1:30 Rest
2 Min Row
1 Min Rest
1 Min Row
:30 Rest

Score is total distance!

Try to find a pace for each interval that is sustainable for that total time domain. In other words - don't come out too hot.


Bike Version:

6 Min Bike
3 Min Rest
5 Min Bike
2:30 Rest
4 Min Bike
2 Min Rest
3 Min Bike
1:30 Rest
2 Min Bike
1 Min Rest
1 Min Bike
:30 Rest

Score is total calories!

Try to find a pace for each interval that is sustainable for that total time domain. In other words - don't come out too hot.