BUTTS & GUTS | WEEK 50 | 12/08/2019
Part 1:
5 Rounds
30 Seconds Back Rack Reverse Lunge Right
30 Seconds Back Rack Reverse Lunge Left
30 Seconds Good morning
30 Seconds 1 and 1/2 Rep Back Squat
Rest 2 Min
You will use the same weight for the whole thing and keep it on the back for the full 2 min.
Men try around 75-115#
Women try around 45-75#Ok so for this you just put that bar on your back and know that it is going to be there for 2 min!
You will start with 30 seconds of reverse lunges on the right leg.
Reach the back leg back and kiss the knee to the ground. Make sure that you take a wide enough step that you can keep your front heel down.
After 30 seconds on the right - switch to the left and do 30 seconds.
After that you will perform the 30 seconds of Good Mornings. You will hinge at the hips, keep the knees pretty straight and keep the back flat! If possible you will get to a 90 degree bend, but if you can't get there for strength or flexibility sake and the back starts to round - don't go so far.
From here you will do 30 seconds of 1 and 1/2 rep back squats. So you will perform a squat all of the way down - come half way up - go back down - then stand all of the way.
Keep the heels down, chest up, knees out!
Part 2:
5 Rounds
30 Russian Twists
10 Slow Candlestick Roll Down
Rough idea for weight on the Russian Twists - 10 - 30#
This is NOT for time because the candlestick roll downs are meant to be SLOW!
Just post weight used for your score.For the russian twists - each twist counts as a rep.
Sit on the ground and lean back with the weight at your belly. Twist and touch the weight on the right - then the left. Each touch counts. You may do these with a dumbbell, a ball, a plate, whatever!
For the slow candlestick roll downs you will roll your butt and legs and low back up off of the ground and point the toes toward the ceiling.
Then you will SLOWLY roll yourself down - one verterbrae at a time, until you are all the way down with the feet on the ground.
WALKING LUNGE - If you have any pubic symphysis pain or SPD focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. You could always do lighter weight, smaller step/less range of motion, or step up or forward instead of step back in the lunge lunge. You can also try stepping laterally onto a stack of plates or something instead of stepping back or up, sometimes this helps create some control in managing the position of the pelvis. Feel free to sub a squat or goblet squat for the lunges.
SUMO STANCE RDL - This can be such a great movement for mamas! Focus on good posture, breathing mechanics, and midline stability. Feel free to use lighter weight, a slightly wider stance, or even sub a Banded Goodmorning
RUSSIAN TWISTS - Please note it is important to acoid deep twisting motion during pregnancy and in the immediate postpartum period. Consider subbing: Pallof Press, BIRTHFIT Functional Progression 2, BIRTHFIT Dumbbell Windmill BIRTHFIT Banded Woodchop (see BIRTHFIT youtube channel for demos)
AROUND THE WORLD - This movement can put a lot of pressure on your core and pelvic floor. If you are preganant, in the rehab stages of postpartum, or working to heal diastasis or PF dysfunction you may want to use this time to practice any of the BIRTHFIT Functional Progressions especially the rolling transition from FP1 to FP2 (Check out the Functional Progression Warm Up Video on the Members Only page). You could also sub BIRTHFIT Banded Woodchops, Farmer Carry, Ball Slams, Overhead Plate Hold/March, or BIRTHFIT Half Kneeling Windmill (Visit their Youtube channel for demos).