GYMNASTICS | WEEK 49 | 12/01/2019


Warm Up
10 Scapular Push-Ups
30 Seconds Bench Tricep Stretch
10 Banded Pass Throughs
20 Forward to Backward Swinging Kicks (On right + left)
1 Min Low Ring Plank

Scapular Push Ups
1. Set up in a plank position, with your shoulders directly over your wrists.
2. Keeping your entire body tight, allow only your shoulders to relax, and sag down towards the floor.
3. Re-engage the shoulders by "pressing away from the floor" and getting as tall as possible at the top of your plank position.
4. Continue releasing and extending your shoulders, without compromising your tight body position in the plank itself.

Bench Tricep Stretch
1. Begin sitting glutes-to-heels on the ground, facing your bench (or, any apparatus you are using: Chair, couch, desk, etc.)
2. Place your hands on the bench, palms down, and slide them forward until your elbows are supported. The goal is to keep the joint as comfortable and safe as possible.
3. Arms should be shoulder width apart.
4. With your knees together, lift your glutes and set your hips directly over your knees. Both legs should be together and creating aa 90 degree angle.
5. Allow your head to fall through your arms, and press your chest towards the floor.
6. Bend your elbows and pull your thumbs to shoulder blades. This will intensify the stretch in the triceps.
7. Engage your core by pulling the belly button into your spine. This will flatten out and protect the lower back. No sagging.

Banded Pass Throughs
1. Begin standing with your feet together, quads squeezed, and glutes engaged. Round your hips under (think of yourself as a dog with its tail between its legs) to ‘turn on’ your core. Practicing this total body tension from your warm-up is going to transfer into higher level skills.
2. Grip your band (any thickness) in a wide set up for the first few reps. Usually near the ends.
3. Using straight arms, lift the band overhead and backwards, until it hits the back of your glutes.
4. Hold to maximize the stretch.
5. Return to your front starting position by repeating the same motion forward.
6. As you get comfortable, begin walking your hands in to a more narrow grip for increased difficulty.

Forward to Backward Swinging Kicks (On right + left)
1. Begin standing on both feet, grabbing a sturdy object for support with your right hand (I recommend the post of a rig).
2. Extend your left arm directly out to the side, keeping it parallel to the floor for the entire set.
3. Keeping a straight leg, lift your left foot up in the air as high as possible.
4. Once you reach your full range of motion, drive the heel backward, using momentum to swing your eft leg behind you.
5. Continue swinging your left leg front to back, focusing on keep both legs locked out at all times.
6. Repeat steps for the right side.

Low Ring Plank
1. Begin with your hands shoulder width apart on the rings. Palms will be facing in, towards each other.
2. Shoulders sit directly over the wrists.
3. Your legs will be extended straight behind you, with your feet together, and only the toes/balls of your feet in contact with the ground (heels will the off the ground).
4. Squeeze your glutes and tuck your hips under (as if you were a dog with it’s tail between its legs) to engage the core and flatten out the lower back. No sagging allowed.
5. Reinforce shoulder extension by “pushing the rings away”, which will slightly round the upper back. At this point, every muscle should be engaged and working to stay tight.
6. The goal is to make this a max effort position: Every muscle should be engaged and working to keep you as tight as possible.


Handstand Push Ups
Rebounding Box Jump Overs
Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Subs and Modifications
Box Handstand Push-Ups
Rebounding straight jumps
Kipping Pull-Ups / Ring Rows

Score: Time - but remember the goal for this workout is quality!
Goal: Solid technique

So the way this works is you will do 21 of each, 15 of each, 12 of each...and so on.

Handstand Push Ups
1. Kick up to a handstand against the wall, with your hands set outside the shoulders.
2. Carefully lower yourself down to the floor, ending in a headstand against the wall.
3. Bend your knees and pull them down towards your triceps.
4. Aggressively drive your heels towards the ceiling, and squeeze your glutes.
5. Make sure to finish in a fully extended handstand before moving into the next rep.

Rebounding Jump Overs
1. First, choose a box, bench, etc. of the appropriate height. You should be challenged and able to rebound between reps, but should not feel like you will trip over your apparatus.
2. Facing your equipment, jump over, being as explosive as possible.
3. Make sure to land on the balls of your feet and with a bend in your knees, to safely absorb your weight and connect jumps.

Chest to Bar Pull Ups
1. Begin standing directly under the bar.
2. Jump to the bar and catch in a Hollow position.
3. Drive your heels back, press your chest forward, moving into an Arch position.
4. Snap your toes toward to initiate your vertical path.
5. Squeeze your glutes and guide your chin above the height of the bar, pulling until your chest makes contact..
6. As you begin falling back down, lean your shoulders backward, and slightly lift your toes in the front to keep an even weight distribution.
7. As you fall under the bar, move back into your arch position, setting yourself up for the next rep.