GYMNASTICS | WEEK 48 | 11/24/2019



10 Banded Pass Throughs
10 Kip Swings
20 Forward to Backward Swinging Kicks (On right + left)
1:00 Hollow Hold

Banded Pass Through
1. Begin standing with your feet together, quads squeezed, and glutes engaged. Round your hips under (think of yourself as a dog with its tail between its legs) to ‘turn on’ your core. Practicing this total body tension from your warm-up is going to transfer into higher level skills.
2. Grip your band (any thickness) in a wide set up for the first few reps. Usually near the ends.
3. Using straight arms, lift the band overhead and backwards, until it hits the back of your glutes.
4. Hold to maximize the stretch.
5. Return to your front starting position by repeating the same motion forward.
6. As you get comfortable, begin walking your hands in to a more narrow grip for increased difficulty.

Kip Swings:
1. Begin standing under the bar.
2. Jump to the bar, landing in a hollow position.
3. Drive your heels back and push your chest forward into an arch position.
4. Continuously move back and forth between the hollow and arch, keeping the glutes and legs tight.
5. Note: Smaller and tighter positions are better than larger, out of control positions! Make sure you are fully engaged.

Forward to Backward Swinging Kicks (On right + left)
1. Begin standing on both feet, grabbing a sturdy object for support with your right hand (I recommend the post of a rig).
2. Extend your left arm directly out to the side, keeping it parallel to the floor for the entire set.
3. Keeping a straight leg, lift your left foot up in the air as high as possible.
4. Once you reach your full range of motion, drive the heel backward, using momentum to swing your eft leg behind you.
5. Continue swinging your left leg front to back, focusing on keep both legs locked out at all times.
6. Repeat steps for the right side.


For Time:
10 - 1
10 Burpee Box Jump Over
20' Handstand Walk
9 Burpee Box Jump Over
20' Handstand Walk
8 Burpee Box Jump Over
20' Handstand Walk...

All of the way down to
1 Burpee Box Jump Over
20' Handstand Walk

Subs and Modifications:
Burpee Step Up Overs
20 Handstand Shoulder Taps

Score: Total Time
Goal: Don't get sloppy!

Handstand Walk Tips:
1. Kick-up to a handstand hold, making sure to keep a tight, stacked body position: Your body should be in one line, with your ankles over your hips, hips over your shoulders, and shoulders over your wrists.
2. Allow your body to tip over, producing the forward momentum needed to start walking your hands.
3. Make sure to keep your hips and glutes set over your finger tips for the walk (this will make sure you continue moving forward, rather than falling backwards).
4. To step, plant each hand and extend through the shoulder, getting as tall as possible. It’s this shoulder extension that will naturally shift your bodyweight from side to side, making your handstand walk much easier.

Skill: Toes to Bar Stamina
EMOM 8 Min
(Every Min for 8 Min)

30 Seconds Max Reps Toes to Bar

Rest Remainder of Minute

Focus on rhythm, only lifting your legs as high as possible while keeping the beat

1. Begin standing directly underneath the pull-up bar, and jump. When catching the bar, land in a hollow position.
2. Immediately drive your heels back, into a superman (arch) position, and you will be ready for your first toes to bar rep.
3. Using your core and hip flexors, swing your legs towards the bar, making contact with your toes. Simultaneously, press the bar towards the floor to help engage your lats.
4. Once your toes make contact, allow your legs to swing back down, gaining momentum, and helping to reposition you back into your superman position.
5. Continue to connect reps using the swing and momentum to your advantage.
6. For additional help, check out the Toes to Bar program here.