ENDURANCE | WEEK 48 | 11/24/2019


Running Version (you have marked distances)

7 Rounds
Jog 200 Meters - Pretty Chill
300 Meters HARD
100 Meter Walk

No rest between rounds.

The 300 meters is HARD but can't be 100% because you need to go straight into the walk and then straight into the next round.

Running Version (not sure on distances)

7 Rounds
Jog 2 Min
1 Min HARD
1 Min Walk

No Rest between rounds.

The jog is moderate but chill. The HARD is HARD but not 100% because you need to be able to walk for 1 min and then go straight into next round.


Rowing Version:

7 Rounds

Row 250 Moderate/Chill Pace
Row 350 Meters HARD
Row 150 Meters SLOW

No rest between rounds.

The Moderate/chill pace needs to be different than the slow pace. Moderate/chill is faster.

Hard is hard, but can't be 100% because you will go into the slow row immediately and then immediately into the next round.


Bike Version:

7 Rounds

15 Cal Men / 10 Cal Women - Moderate Pace
20 Cal Men / 15 Cal Women - HARD
10 Cal Men / 7 Cal Women - Slow

No rest between rounds.

Moderate pace and slow pace are different! Make sure you look at your monitor.

Hard is hard but not 100% since you get no rest after!