BUTTS & GUTS | WEEK 47 | 11/17/2019


7 Rounds
Not Really for Time

10 Jumping Squats
5 Lunge Ball Right Leg Forward
5 Lunge Ball Left Leg Forward
10 Slow Negative DB Stiff Legged Deadlift

Idea for weight-
30s-50s for Men
15-35s for Women

12-20# Ball

Score is what weight dumbbells you use

For the booty part of today's Butts and Guts -
You will do 10 jumping squats. You will lower to the bottom of the squat - heels down, knees out, butt lower than the knees, chest up. You will jump from that position all the way to extension of hips and knees driving through the heels.

For the lunge balls - you basically do a wall ball with a lunge instead of a squat. We recommend the reverse lunge step back approach. You will hold the ball at the chest. Take a long lunge step backwards. Lightly touch the back knee. Drive off of the front heel and use that drive from the leg to throw the ball. If you can't get it all of the way to 9-10' that's ok!

Also - this was a Street Parking Member Travis Leamons creation - blame him.

For the stiff legged deadlifts you will hold 2 dumbbells at the waist. Hinge at the hips with the back flat and heels down. Reach the butt back and keep the dumbbells close to the body. Keep the knees pretty straight but soft (not completely locked out). Once you hit the middle of the shin. Squeeze the butt to stand up.

4 Rounds
Not for Time

8 Ring/TRX Band Knee Tucks
16 Love TapsFor the Ring or TRX Band Tucks you will put your feet through the rings with your hands out in a plank position out front. You will pull the knees to the chest, then back out to plank.

You may try doing one knee at at time if necessary. If you do not have the TRX Band or Rings to use - you may roll a yoga ball in or do pike ups with feet on the box.

The love taps will be with you sitting on the ground with the feet extended out front. The kettlebell will be by the feet. Keeping the legs straight, lift the feet up and over and tap the feet on the other side. Then pick them up and go back ove to the other side. Every lift up and over is one rep.


JUMPING SQUATS - This movement can create a lot of pressure on the pelvic floor. If you are pregnant or in the rehab stages of postpartum you may want to sub: Air Squats, Goblet Squats, Thrusters, Glute Bridges, Hip Thrusts, or Good Mornings

LOVE TAPS - This movement can put a lot of pressure on the core and the pelvic floor. If you are pregnant or in the rehab or rebuilding stages of postpartum you may want to sub BIRTHFIT Functional Progressions (Choose any from 1-4), Ball Slams, KB Swings, Overhead Plate Hold/March, Palloff Press, BIRTHFIT Banded/Wallball Woodchop, Standing Cross Body Wallball Throws, Goblet Hold/Squat, Waiter Walk