Street Parking

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BUTTS & GUTS 9.16.18

5 Rounds
Not for Time
10 Single Leg Hip Thrusts Right
10 Single Leg Hip Thrusts Left
15 Goblet Reverse Lunge Right
15 Goblet Reverse Lunge Left
20 Love Taps
30 Russian Twists

No RX Weight.  Go as heavy as you can for each movement maintaining the ability to go unbroken for each set.  You are not necessarily going to use the same weight across the board.

Score is weight used for the thrusts

For the hip thrusts you can do this single leg version with just a single dumbbell.  You will wan to lean against a box or bench with the shoulders on top of it when you press up.

Place the dumbbell on the hip of the foot that will stay on the ground.  Drive through your heel and drive the butt to squeeze as your hips raise!

For the reverse lunges this week you will hold a dumbbell or kb (or even a plate) in front of you at chest/shoulder height.  Do all reps on one side before doing the other.  Back knee should kiss the ground for each rep.  Make sure you take a big step back so you can drive through your heel.

A love tap is this:  Sit on the ground with the legs straight.  Sit up tall!  place an object around the area of the ankle.  For each rep you will lift the legs (fighting to keep them straight) up and over the object.  That is one rep.  Go back and forth!

A russian twist will be with a weight in the hands.  You will sit on the ground and lean back.  Tap the object on the ground on one side, then the other.  Going back and forth.  For this one you must hit BOTH sides to complete 1 rep!