Part 1
4 Rounds
1 1/2 Split Squat Right - 8 Reps
1 1/2 Split Squat Left - 8 Reps
Single Leg Glute Bridge Right - 12 Reps
Single Leg Glute Bridge Left - 12 Reps
Weighted V-Ups - 16 Reps
Use Dumbbells or a bar for Split Squat and post that weight for your score.
For the 1 1/2 Rep split squats the back leg will be elevated. You don't want it any higher than like a bench or a 20" box. You may go lower than that too, just a stack of plates is fine.
You will go all of the way down (butt lower than the knee) stand halfway up, then go all of the way down and stand all of the way up. That is 1 rep.
Make sure you have your front foot out far enough that you can drive off of that front heel and the weight isn't forced into the toe. These may be weighted with dumbbells, a barbell or may even be done with no weight.
For the single leg hip ups, lie in like a sit up position on the ground. Raise one leg straight and off of the ground. Squeeze the cheeks to get hips as high as you can. Come all of the way back down.
V- ups will be with the weight in your hands with straight arms. If this is difficult to maintain with no weight, don't feel like you even need to add weight at all!
Metcon (No Measure)
Part 2:
3 Rounds
30 Second Hollow Hold with resistance from behind and weight on the feet.
Rest 1 Min
30 Second Hollow Hold with resistance from the right side and weight on the feet.
Rest 1 Min
30 Second Hollow Hold with resistance from the left side and weight on the feet.
See the demo videos for the best explanation of this one!
You need to allow the band to be pulling slightly in each of these positions, but not crazy! 30 seconds is a long time!
Don't have bands? No problem!
You will just do 9 x 30 Second hollow hold with light weight in hands and feet.
You may also choose to just do this completely weightless - still super hard!