Street Parking

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10' Section Handstand Walk

RX +: 25' Section

Scale: 10 Shoulder Taps

You can also just do 7 Min of Handstand Hold Practice or Attempts.For this if you can handstand walk decent - do as many rounds as possible of a 10' section.

If you are pretty good, you can do 25' sections.

If you are close, but not great or really moving yet, you can do a 7 min amrap of handstand hold practice or attempting to walk practice.

If you aren't ready to come away from the wall yet, you can do taps or even pike shoulder taps.  Do AMRAP 10 taps.  Each time you bring a hand up = 1.

Focus on keeping the butt squeezed and belly tight.  Look at the heel of your hand.  Splay your fingers and really use your whole hand and all of your fingers to balance.

Metcon (Time)

7 Rounds
7 Reps of Right Toe to Bar, Left Toe to Bar, Both Toes to Bar
7 Pistol with a Pause Right
7 Pistol with a Pause Left

You can keep time - but we don't want you so concerned with going fast.  QUALITY OVER QUANTITY.

The Right - Left - Both Toes to Bar = 1 Rep and must be unbroken to count!The one legged toes to bar are super fun actually.  Use the same kip swing as your normal toes to bar and then when you press against the bar with the hands and lats - bring just one toe up to tap the bar.  Work to keep the leg as straight as possible.

Make sure you don't lose your rhythm.  After the toe taps, bring your legs back together and pull the chest through.

If you are unable to get your toes to the bar, you may do this same thing with knees up!

For the pistols (single leg squats) - if you are able to do these on the ground WITH a pause - go for it.  Otherwise you can go off the side of a step, bench, or box.  Keep the heel down.  Keep the leg out in front as much as possible, but also allow it to drop if it means getting all of the way down with your HEEL STILL DOWN.

Try to avoid, letting your knee cave in as much as possible.

You can even place your box near a pole or the wall etc to use for balance assistance.

Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)


Plank up and Overs

You can use whatever you have - stack of plates, a low box - our favorite is a med ball or something slightly unstable.You will start in a plank on one side of your step.  Step should be 8-12" or so high.  Keeping your butt down and belly tight (no sagging) you will place one hand on - then the other - then one hand off the other side - then the other.

Then you will go back the other direction.

Each time you go up and over = 1 rep.

Do as many reps as possible in 4 min.