Street Parking

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Metcon (No Measure)

7 Min EMOM
3 Kip Swing to Hip
1 Bar/Ring Muscle Up

You can go up on muscle up numbers if you are great at them.

You can also scale the muscle up part down to jumping or banded!To perform the kip swing to the hip you will hang from the bar and initiate a kipping swing.  Keeping the arms straight and moving from the shoulder with the assistance of the hip you will pull yourself THROUGH the bar, then press away from the bar.  Keep the feet in line with the hands.  So when you pull through your hands and feet are behind you (think like you are doing a superman) - when you press away from the bar your hands and feet are in front (like a hollow rock).

Now, for these when you press away you also raise and lift the hips closer to the bar - keep the arms basically straight when you do this.

All of this can also be done on the rings.

This is to teach us to pull our hips to the bar or rings for muscle ups.

If you can do a bar or ring muscle up you will do that after your 3 kip swings!  Basically once your hip is to the bar you pull yourself over and do a massive sit up to bring your torso over the top.

If you don't have a muscle up, but are close - today would be a great day to try!

If you don't have one and are NOT close - you may do a band or jumping muscle up for that part.

Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds)

7 Sets

3 reps of:
3 Sec Lower, 3 Sec Pause, Fast Up
Ring or Stationary Dips

RX +: Unbroken Sets an go up to 5 if you are super beast

There isn't REALLY a score for this one, but put how many sets you were able to to unbroken.For this drill you will start at the top of the rings or dip station locked out.  You will lower yourself by allowing the shoulders to come forward, hips to lower down, and elbows go back.  Lower with a 3 second count.  Keep the arms and elbows close to the body.

Get the shoulders lower than the elbows at the bottom. Hold the bottom position for a 3 count.  Then press up fast.

If you are unable to press up - that's ok! Jump back up.

Note what you did and how you had to modify in comments.

Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds)

5 Rounds
30 Second Hollow Hold
30 Second Superman Hold
30 Second Rest

Score is how many of those holds you did without breaking (possible score of up to 10.  5 for each thing.)For the superman hold you will lay on your stomach with your arms stretched out above your head.  Lift your hands, head, chest and feet.

For the hollow hold you will roll over onto your back and do lift your arms head shoulders and feet.  Work to keep your legs straight but allow a slight bend if necessary. Press your lower back into the ground!