Urinary Leakage with Exercise Troubleshooting
Top tips and strategies for Stress Urinary Incontinence
Created for Street Parking by Dr. Terri Robertson Elder, PT, DPT @terri.elder.dpt
*This is not a substitute for medical advice, please see a practitioner for individualized evaluation and guidance.
General Concepts:
Different strategies work for different people, so expect some trial and error
Leaking with exercise may be due to weakness, but often coordination plays a big role; a new strategy may offer a fast result (you may still need to build strength and endurance)
Choose reps, intensity, etc that challenge you but stay just under the threshold of leaking to stress the system to adapt
Tension to task: dial the tension in your body up/down depending on the need, many with SUI tend to overbrace
Avoid bladder irritants: caffeine, sugar, alcohol, spicy foods
Single/Double Unders:
Relax your pelvic floor (counterintuitive, but can be very helpful!)
Stack your ribs/pelvis: arching your back or ribs flaring out may increase symptoms
Breathing: try small exhales as your feet land
Decrease reps/add in rest between sets and gradually build strength/endurance
DUs: think high, slow singles
Box Jumps:
Breath: try an exhale as you land, alternatively, try an inhale (try different breathing strategies!)
Try to minimize impact by "landing softly" with less sound
Gradually increase height and reps as you are able, consider fatigue as a factor and modify later in the workout as needed
Try to land midfoot (rather than the heel)
Lean forward a bit
Avoid trying to time your pelvic floor contractions with landing- impossible!
Try a shorter stride length (pro-tip: listen to faster music)
As with all of these, consider fatigue and other factors (nutrition, stress), as you gradually build endurance