MONDAY SHIFT 06/13/2022
5 Minutes of Continuous Movement
5 Rounds
8 Unweighted Lungester
12 Inverted Row
No weight needed today!
Extra Challenge
As an added challenge, hold a weight at your chest and perform Goblet Lungesters! One rep would be a Goblet Lunge (R) + Goblet Lunge (L) + Goblet Squat + Press.
Score: Total Time
Goal: 12-15 Minutes
Coaches Notes
So the way this one works is you'll move continuously for 5 minutes, then at 5:00, you'll go back and forth between 8 unweighted lungesters and 12 inverted rows until you've completed 5 rounds.
We really want you to try to move for 5 consecutive minutes - even if it's a brisk walk! But if that's not an option for space, injury, or weather reasons - check out the alternative version below. Find a smooth and steady pace for the lungesters. Something that will allow you to do them unbroken or with one short break after 4-5 reps. Remember you can always hold onto something for assistance. Or - if you know you'll crush it, go with the Extra Challenge option! Find a body angle for the inverted rows that will challenge you but allows you to get at least 3-4 reps each time.
If you absolutely cannot move for 5 continuous minutes, you can do:
5 Rounds
1 Minute of Continuous Movement
8 Unweighted Lungester
12 Inverted Row
Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!