FRIDAY SHIFT 12/03/2021





2 Sets

Each Set is a 5 Min AMRAP (As Many Rounds and Reps As Possible in 5 Minutes)

20 Hop Overs
- OR - Skip Overs
10 Alternating Unweighted Step Up

Rest 1 Minute between Sets

No weight needed today!

Score: Total # of Completed Rounds + Any Additional Reps from Both Sets COMBINED

Goal: 9-12 Rounds

For this workout, you'll rotate back and forth between 20 hop or skip overs and 10 step ups as many times as you can in 5 minutes. Then you'll rest for 1 minute. Then start over and do as many rounds+reps as you can for another 5 minutes.

If you don't feel comfortable hopping or skipping over an object, try performing this movement over a line in the floor! They should be done in 30 seconds or less. Find a pace and height on the step ups that you feel comfortable stepping up AND down from, and allows you to finish those 10 reps in 30-45 seconds!

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!


Jump/Skip/Hop Overs

If you're trying to manage the pressure on your pelvic floor, you can start by simply doing something different with the way you’re breathing or how you’re holding tension in your body throughout the movement. Check out the SP Mamas Resources blog post on Urinary Leakage with Exercise Troubleshooting for more strategies. Some other options for customizing are Taps, Row, Bike, Quick Step Ups, One Legged Plank Rock, High Knee Step Up Overs, or Calf Raises. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.

Step Ups/Weighted Step Ups

This can be a great movement to help build strength and stability to return to running postpartum! If you have any pubic symphysis pain or SPD you may want to modify to something that allows you to move pain free. Try to focus on keeping your pelvis neutral and your hips level. You can always adjust the height, load, or how you're carrying it. Some other options for customizing are lateral step up, single leg glute bridge, or single leg box squat for more support. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.