Bread-less Sandwich


I was craving a good crunchy salad, but had been eating one almost everyday and was craving some variety. I decided to make a bread less sandwich and I wasn't disappointed!

I love these Roll Up Sando’s because they are so simple and so tasty. You can literally wrap up any ingredients you have in the fridge and eat it like a sand without the heavy feeling of eating the bread. You can easily pack the ingredients and assemble it when you get to work! Feel free to mix up the ingredients and make it your own : )

Roll It Up Sando
• 1-2 leaf lettuce large ( I used a romaine head because the lettuce had a good curve to it_
• 3-4 oz nitrate free turkey meat (I’m skipping deli meat since I’m pregnant, so I used grilled chicken thighs)
• 1/4 cup pickled onions • 1 slice tomato
• 1/2 avocado pitted
• 1 tsp mustard ( used spicy mustard) • 1/4 cup shredded carrots

•- Core lettuce, remove the two outermost leaves (discard) and run under water. Peel layers of lettuce apart one by one as water runs through leaves.
•- Cut off a large square piece of parchment paper. Fold one corner in to form a triangle shape.
•- Place a large lettuce leaf (or two) right along the folded edge.
•- Pack the lettuce leaves with your “sandwich” ingredients: turkey, tomato, avocado, onions, carrots and mustard.
•- Fold the top edge of the lettuce leaf down over the ingredients.
•- Take the left side of the leaf and fold it in, then the right side of the leaf and fold it over.
•- Carefully roll the little lettuce bundle up with the parchment paper. Start from the left corner of the folded edge, tuck in the pointy bottom, and continue rolling until you meet the right corner of the folded edge.

*** You can roll any ingredients you want. You can mix up the toppings, and choice of meat. You can even go BLT style, without the bread - YUM