• Daily content of either a short video to watch or content to read

    • A simple daily task, when applicable

    • Supporting resources linked within each day

    • A place to log your notes

    • A badge in Trophy Case after logging all 30 days of the program

  • Approximately 10 minutes a day, not including the time for making/consuming your daily meals.

  • There is no additional Facebook group for Nutrition Programs at this time. For now, you can post questions or share progress in the SP Members Facebook group and tag #spnutrition

  • Indefinitely. As long as you have an active SP Membership, you can repeat the entire program or revisit specific content and resources within as often as necessary.

  • Email nutrition@streetparking.com or post your question in the SP Members Facebook group and tag #spnutrition.

  • This will vary from person to person, and it depends mostly on your current baseline. Reach out to nutrition@streetparking.com for additional guidance or refer to THIS “Q&A” Facebook Live with this topic covered.

  • It is NOT recommended to do more than one program at a time. Just because you can access both at once doesn’t mean that’s the most useful or effective approach.

  • The program is sequential. It will not let you advance until you have logged/completed the previous day. You can log multiple days at once in order to catch up to where you left off.

  • Yes. Choosing carb sources such as fruits, potatoes, and squashes align with both the SP Nutrition Template and #800gChallenge®, as does the recommended general veggie servings on the SP Nutrition Template. If you are NEW to the SP Nutrition Template and want to build the habit of following the Template, we recommend spending your time there before trying to add in the #800gChallenge®.

  • “Reset” will let you reset the program and will permanently delete all logs/notes. Use the “Edit Log” button if you simply want to update/edit logged notes on a particular day.

  • No, you will not be able to access and log the programs unless you have an active SP membership.

  • Yes, as long as you rejoin Street Parking using the previous email associated with your membership. If you have any issues, reach out to support@streetparking.com.