What’s included and how to progress through the programs:


Start here: 4 weeks of simple, gentle, and safe programming for the initial postpartum period, including healing and restorative exercises and practices for the mind, body and soul. This is a great opportunity to practice self care during what can be a very vulnerable time.


Your next step after you’ve taken the first month postpartum to recover: 4 weeks of specific programming to lay a sturdy foundation for your muscles, joints, mechanics and nervous system. The goal is preparing you to take on the movements coming in the SP Shift programming or the next phase of your exercise, while providing tools and habits to incorporate into your long term fitness routine.


Once you’ve dedicated at least 8 weeks to recovery and rehab, been cleared to exercise by your doctor, and ideally seen a pelvic floor professional: It’s time to rebuild. This ebook provides a detailed and holistic roadmap toward tackling Shift programming and then moving on to Program A/B/C at your own pace, while also covering important topics like postpartum workout mentality, pelvic floor health, nutrition, stress and hormones.

*Please note that it may take 24-48 hours for your account to gain access to the pages above.