Odd Objects & The Street Parking Programming
How can you customize your workouts with equipment that isn’t programmed or utilized in the Daily Workouts?
We’re talking about things such as D-Balls, Sleds, Battle Ropes, Rope Climbs, Heavy Tires, and more “odd object”-type of equipment. Much like the functional versatility of the sandbag, these are often some of the most FUN (and effective) pieces of equipment to use to mix up your training. Some of these odd objects come with benefits for those who are rehabbing injuries or are pregnant/postpartum as well!
You will always hear us say to “make the workout work for you” (aka #fitnessfreedom) with what you have available for time, skill or equipment – so use your fitness freedom to customize with odd objects as you are comfortable or proficient to do so.
Use this resource for help in customizing Daily Workouts, or even some of the Extra Programs outside of the Dirty Work sessions.
You’ll see tips for how to swap movements as well as the benefits that adding some of these in can bring to your overall fitness. We’ve included some Conversion Charts from our Extra Program Resources where applicable.
If you are looking for workouts specifically with Battle Ropes, D-Balls or Sleds, you can find a variety of sessions in the DIRTY WORK category of Extra Programs.
These are one of the best shoulder and overall aerobic power training tools out there! Battle ropes are a fantastic customization for double unders, as they closely mimic the shoulder fatigue and cardio response from that movement.
If you don’t see a movement on the conversion chart (such as wall walks or Assault Bike) the best way to convert a movement is with time (for example 10 seconds of alternating waves per wall walk.) How you use them will depend on the thickness and length of your rope, aka the weight.
You can also find specific Battle Rope sessions in Extra Programs > Dirty Work
Throwing a D-Ball around is great for challenging your ability to stabilize your midline in order to support an unstable load.
Sometimes you will see D-Ball as an option in Program C when moderately heavy deadlifts or cleans are programmed in the Daily Workout, so feel free to customize even if it’s not listed there! Depending on the rep scheme and loading in the main workout, you may need to add or subtract a few reps.
You can find D-ball sessions in Extra Programs > Dirty Work.
Sleds can help in gaining strength and stamina without loading your skeletal structure or the impact of running, and can be incredibly useful for injury rehab and recovery.
First things first - there is a large variation when it comes to sleds.To determine the appropriate weight to use depends on the sled you have, the surface you are pulling/pushing on, and how it feels when pulling/pushing. For this reason it is hard for us to suggest “the right loading” for your sled work, but remember that matching the time domain (with constant movement) is important.
Other non-running customizations (or rowing/biking), can be done in workouts with box jumps, step ups, and lunges.
How: Read the coaches notes for a guide on the suggested time domain. Choose a distance and weight that will keep the time domain the same as what’s recommended. When customizing for box jumps, step ups, or lunges you might go a little heavier and do almost a sled WALK instead of run.
If you are injured, pregnant, postpartum, subbing the sled for running is a great way to keep intensity high without the impact.
Use sleds as a fun finisher! Examples for after the workout - load it up and do 5 rounds of a 100-200 meter sprint with 2 min rest between. Take it for a 1 mile or 800 meter walk. The sky's the limit with this option!
If you have kids (usually around age 8 and up is best) that need to burn some energy or just want to get involved in your workouts, a light sled is a FUN option for them too! Get creative with drawing chalk line increments on the ground for them to run to (or pull the sled to), rest, and then keep going!
Turn the On Ramp Endurance Program sessions into sled sessions instead of run/bike/row!
You can find Sled sessions in Extra Programs > Dirty Work.
Rope climbs are an upper body, core, and grip strength workout like no other. If you have a rope at your house/garage, it probably means you are proficient at rope climbs. If that’s the case, you most likely know YOUR rope climb efficiency and capacity in a workout.
Customizations: swap in rope climbs when you see pull ups or toes to bar
How: If there is a workout that has 10 pullups in each round, you could sub in anywhere from 1-3 rope climbs instead. This also works when you see “Glory Days” options for muscle ups in Program C.
Slam balls are a great way to get explosive with your movement without the added impact or intensity of running or jumping as it’s a full body, dynamic movement. We love adding slam balls as a Mama Modification option as a way to get some intensity in your training while still being able to manage the pressure in your core and without a lot of extra impact on your pelvic floor. This is true for those with low back issues as well!
Customizations: swap in slam balls when you see burpees, v-ups, and toes-to-bar
Grab a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells and get to strengthening that grip. This can serve as a great customization for running during times where the impact might cause issues for you (during injury re-hab, flare up, or during pregnancy/postpartum). Remember, when substituting odd objects or movements, to try to keep it within the suggested TIME WINDOW for what you are replacing.
Customizations: swap in farmer carries for a workout with run/bike/row
How: typically shorten the distance in half, for example: turn a 400m run into a 100m-200m farmer carry depending on how heavy you are going.
These are great for explosive, full body power work with all kinds of posterior chain engagement and strengthening.
Customizations: swap in flips in place of moderately heavy deadlifts or power cleans in the Daily Workouts
How: Chances are the recommended weight in the daily programming for power cleans is much lighter than your tire, so consider lowering the reps to one flip for every 3-5 power cleans.
OTHER: Turn the shorter, interval based On Ramp Endurance Program sessions into tire flip sessions instead of run/bike/row!
We’ve been seeing pegboards in the garages of our members, so why not put it to use instead of pull ups!? This will differ based on your ability but a good conversion would be 1 pegboard ascent for every 5-7 pull ups.