Army Combat Fitness Test Preparation Program

If you are here reading this, I think we can assume you are aware of the new Army Combat Fitness Test in 2020. We’ve studied the test battery and designed a 6-week program that will prepare you for success.  We highly recommend that you visit and familiarize yourself with each event, how it will be graded, and the FAQ section. 

As you can see, there are three training days per week.  You can still be active on your other days but keep the intensity moderate to low. To be honest, if you have been following the Street Parking daily workouts for a while, you should be generally physically prepared for this test.  However, this program will help identify and develop any specific areas where there may be some room for improvement. Consider doing a SHIFT workout, Power accessory, or modified program B or C workout on non-ACFT days. Good movements to look for in those workouts are squatting and overhead pressing.

You can begin this program anytime.  At the latest, you should start 7 weeks out from your test.  But, if you start it now, you can transition to the Street Parking daily workouts and maintain your state of preparedness. If you choose to cycle this program more than once, make sure you take 2-3 weeks in between where you stay active.  This will allow the physical and neurological adaptations of the program to be fully realized before starting again. 


We will not start this program with a practice test.  If you want to do one on your own just to have a feel for what you can expect and what to pay extra attention to during this prep cycle, go for it!  We do recommend that you have a general idea of your med ball toss near the beginning of the program. In order to develop more explosive power to throw the ball further, we will be doing hang power cleans and kettlebell swings. This program should be viewed as TRAINING.  This means that you are putting in the appropriate amount of effort each day which is not necessarily full-on, all-out, maximum effort. Save that for the day of the test!

Starting out, the goal will be more to pay attention to the movements, how long certain components (like farmer carries and runs) take, performing the movements according to the standards on which you will be tested, and identifying areas where you may need to improve. So remember as you approach your training throughout this program, that this is preparation for the test and not the actual test itself. Over the course of 6 weeks, you will progressively build your capacity to express strength, power, muscle endurance and aerobic endurance so that you can perform at a high level on testing day when it really counts.

As far as the pacing on the runs, we use general descriptive terms like easy, moderate, and hard.  This can be very subjective. Think about Hard Pace as the absolute fastest pace you can maintain for a given distance.  So a 400m Hard Pace would still be slower than your all-out sprint pace but it would be your max effort pace that you could maintain for 400m. Moderate is still a challenging pace, you wouldn’t be able to maintain it for a whole lot longer than the given distance but you would be able to maintain a conversation with someone within a minute of completing the run. Easy, means just that. It’s not necessarily slow but you could maintain that steady pace for quite some time and you could maintain a conversation the entire time.

A note on power development: Research has shown that maximum power generation during an explosive lift occurs around 75-90% of your one rep max. So when you are performing the hang power clean, remember to keep your loads in the moderate to moderate heavy range. The one exception to this is on Week 3 Session 3 in which you will test for a training max. This may get in the heavy range. Make sure you are still able to move the bar correctly. We will use that number to base percentages in subsequent training sessions. 

Recovery - If you train smart, you’ll be in a great position to crush it on test day.  Planned recovery is essential to any intelligent training program. There are Street Parking Maintenance videos programmed into specific training days. Do not skip these. And if you want to do more of them on non training days, go for it!

Ideally, you have access to the implements that will be used in the test but if you don’t that’s okay. We have included modifications and movements that mimic the tested skills, using the equipment that you use in your regular Street Parking workouts. If you don’t have access to a hex bar or sled for example, no problem, a regular barbell and a pair of 40lb dumbbells will do just fine.



Deadlift 7-5-3-3-3
Rest 1 min between sets
(add load between sets)

Rest 3 minutes

Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes:
7-10 Hand Release Push Ups

Make sure you warm up appropriately for the deadlifts and push ups. Take at least 2-3 warm up sets at lighter weight before you start your set of 7. You could choose a short SP workout to stack in after this if you want but by no means is it necessary. 

For the hand release push ups, the first few minutes should be pretty easy. Choose a rep target that is sustainable so you don’t end up going less than 7 reps in the later minutes.  You might even go from the knees if you need to.


4 Rounds
30 Kettlebell Swings
50m Farmer Carry
30 Weighted Low Step Ups*
Rest 2 minutes between rounds
*If you have a sled, do a 50m sled drag instead

Focus on extending your knees and hips at the same time on the kettlebell swings. The idea is to train that explosive hip and knee action so if you start to feel a big reduction in power, take a short break. Choose a load you can complete all 30 in 1-2 sets. 

We also want to tax the grip. Don’t worry so much about speed on the farmer carry’s but you should be able to hold on to the dumbbells without breaking. 

For the low step ups, we are mimicking the same stimulus as the sled drag so it should be low and fast. You can use two dumbbells by your sides or one dumbbell held with both hands near your chest. Step height 4-8 inches.


5 Rounds 
200m Run
Max Leg Tucks/Knees to Elbow
Rest 1 min between rounds

Go as hard as you can on the run every round!

The run should be all out, 45 seconds or less. Then immediately go into the leg tucks/knees to elbows. 

It’s okay if the max reps numbers fall off each round.

This whole session should take under 15 minutes. You could choose a short SP workout to stack in after this if you want but by no means is it necessary. Better still, pick a longer more endurance based workout for tomorrow!




Every other minute on the minute for 10 minutes, perform:
5 Hang Power Cleans
(choose a weight that is challenging but that you can move with maximum speed from the hang to the shoulder, take your time resetting and setting up for the next rep. If you know your 1RM power clean, this should be about 65%)


4x400m Run (Hard Pace)
Rest 2 min between intervals

We are looking for max power production on the hang power cleans. Try to be as aggressive and explosive as possible on each rep while taking your time to set up properly between each rep. 

Warm up to a good working weight and perform all 5 sets at the same load. 

Rest as needed between the hang power cleans and the running intervals. 

For the runs, you are going at the fastest pace you can maintain for 400m. This pace will likely decrease from the first to the fourth interval but your effort should stay consistent.


10 Rounds
7 Hand Release Push Ups
4 Leg Tucks or Alternated Grip Pull Ups

Rest 3 minutes

2x800m Run (Moderate Pace)
Rest 2 min between intervals


Every minute on the minute for 4 minutes
100m Sprint

These 10 rounds are for quality rather than speed. However, you do want to keep moving. Shoot for about 8 minutes to complete the first part.

Remember the pacing guide for the 800m intervals. You should be almost fully recovered after 2 minutes. 

Go all out on the 100m sprints, every time.


4 Rounds
12 Deadlift (Moderate load, unbroken)
100m Farmer Carry

Take a few minutes to catch your breath, then

SP Maintenance Cool Down Flow

For the deadlifts, the load should be 50-60% of 1RM. You shouldn’t be close to failure or technical breakdown at any point. Go immediately into the farmer carry and try to go unbroken. Take a little rest between rounds to give your grip a break. The four rounds should take less than 10 minutes.

The maintenance is very important in this session. Because you are down regulating your body with this sequence, we would not recommend doing an SP workout after this. Instead, pick one to do tomorrow.




10 min to find 3RM Deadlift


5 Rounds
20 Dumbbell/Kettlebell Swings
10 Leg Tucks

Do not include your warm up in those 10 minutes. Make sure you warm up appropriately and do some light deadlift sets. When you start the 10 minute clock, the bar should already be pretty heavy. This will give you enough time for 3-4 attempts. 

For the second part, you should be able to complete all 5 rounds in under 10 minutes. Take a little rest after the kettlebell swings if you need to in order to get 10 unbroken leg tucks. If you get to where you can’t get your knees all the way to your elbows, try to stay on the bar and at least tuck and lift your hips as high as possible.


3 Rounds 
200m Farmer Carry
15-25 Hand Release Push Ups
40 Weighted Low Step Ups

Rest 3 min

Run 1 mile Hard

Ideally you can complete the farmer carry’s without putting the DBs/KBs down. If that is not happening, put them down at the 100m mark for as long as needed to go the full 100m back without breaking. 

The hand release push ups should be unbroken meaning your arms are constantly in motion. You can reach them out to the sides when your chest is on the deck to buy yourself a little time.  If you do break before 15 reps, no problem, just do another set until you get to at least 15. 

For the low step ups, we are mimicking the same stimulus as the sled drag so it should be low and fast. You can use two dumbbells by your sides or one dumbbell held with both hands near your chest. Step height 4-8 inches.

You are only running once. Just like it says, the mile run pace is hard. Empty the tank!


10-15 minutes to build up to heavy Hang Power Clean*


4 Rounds 
20 Box Jumps (20-24” Box)
30 Walking Lunge
20 Weighted Sit Ups

The goal for the hang power clean is to find a training max for this program.  It is crucial that you find whatever is heavy that you can do correctly. We are not trying to see how much weight you can get to the shoulder at any cost. We will be using this number for power development. 

Do not include your warm up in those 10-15 minutes. Make sure you warm up appropriately and do some light hang power cleans to dial in your technique. When you start the clock, the bar should already be moderately heavy. This will give you enough time for 3-4 attempts. 

The second part should take about 15 minutes. 

Focus on being explosive on the box jumps. Step down off the box and take a moment to set up for the jump rather than trying to do them all as fast as you can. The weighted sit ups do not need to be heavy, use just enough weight that you can knock out all 20 reps at a smooth pace.




3 Rounds
15 Broad Jumps
200m Run
Rest 1 min between rounds

Right into

3 Rounds
Max Hand Release Push Ups
100m Farmer Carry
Rest 1 min between rounds

For the broad jumps, we are looking to get the body fully extended on each jump. Try to cover as much distance as possible rather than do them fast. Go hard on the run. This part should be about 10 minutes.

Since you are going for max effort on the push ups, expect that the reps will decrease a bit each round. Explore a faster pace on the farmer carry and focus on keeping the DBs/KBs from swinging.


5x3 Deadlift @ 80% of 3RM

Rest 3 min

Every 20 Seconds until you hit 10 reps
1 Hang Power Clean
75-80% Training Max Hang Power Clean

Rest 3 min

4x25 Weighted Sit Ups
Rest 90 seconds between sets

Rest 60 seconds between sets on the deadlift. Rest longer if you feel your form starting to slip. 

Observe the interval timing on the hang power cleans. This should be loaded and timed such that you can properly set up and focus on explosive power and sound mechanics. If you notice any deviation from your normal technique, use a lower percentage.

Use the same weight on the sit ups as you used in session 3 of week 3.


2 Rounds
400m Run
30 Dumbbell Lunges

Rest 2 minutes between rounds


6x400m Run (moderate Pace)
Rest 1 minute between intervals

Then, every 2 minutes for 8 minutes,
4x200m Run (Hard Pace)

Catch your breath then, 
SP Maintenance Lower Back Release

Good amount of running today. Make sure you get a good warm up and stretch before you begin the session. 

The first part should take less than 10 minutes. Hold the dumbbells at your sides or on the shoulders.

Observe the pacing guidelines on the running intervals. 

This is a bit of a longer session today. Make sure you make time for the maintenance session at the end.




Deadlift 5x3 @ 85% of 3RM 

Rest 3 minutes

Max Hand Release Push Ups in 2 minutes

Rest 1 minute

50m Sprint 
50m Farmer Carry 
50m Lateral Shuffle (switch directions at 25m)
50m Sled Drag or Backward Farmer Carry
50m Sprint

Rest 3 minutes

Run 2400m (Moderate/Hard Pace)

Rest as needed on the deadlifts. They should take 12-15 minutes to complete.

For the hand release push ups, take breaks before you go to failure rather than doing as many as you possibly can each set.

For part 3, treat this as you would the actual ACFT. So it’s like a 250m event, quickly switching implements every 50m.


4 Rounds
15 Seated Box Jumps
25 Kettlebell Swings
15 Leg Tucks

Rest 2 minutes between rounds

This session should take 20-24 minutes. 

Take your time to set up for each rep of the seated box jump. Focus on the greatest expression of power in each rep. 

Ideally, you have a weight on the swings that allows you to go unbroken. We want to continue to train the grip. Of course, break if you need to. 

Break up the leg tucks as much as you need to in order to get quality reps.


21 Thrusters
21 Supine Toe Touches
15 Thrusters
15 Supine Toe Touches
9 Thrusters
9 Supine Toe Touches

Rest 2 min

Run 800m (Hard)

Catch your breath then
SP Maintenance Hip Flexors/Psoas Video

Keep the intensity high for this one. Choose a weight you think you could go unbroken the whole way or break on the thrusters only once each in the round of 21 and 15. The goal would be to finish in under 6 minutes.

We want you to be mostly recovered in terms of breath for the run but still be experiencing some muscle fatigue from the thrusters and toe touches. Run hard, you should be completely spent afterwards.



Deadlift 5x3 @ 90% of 3RM

50m Sprint
Max Reps Hand Release Push Ups
50m Shuffle
Max Reps Leg Tucks
50m Farmer Carry
70% of Max Reps Hand Release Push Ups
50m Backward Carry
70% of Max Reps Leg Tucks
50m Sprint

Rest as needed on the deadlifts. They should take 12-15 minutes to complete.

Whatever number of reps you get in the first set of push ups and leg tucks, take 70% of that number and perform that number of reps in the second time through. Unbroken in the second set if possible.

Move quickly through each component of the battery but focus on getting a big number on the push ups and leg tucks.


5x800m Run Hard
Rest 3 min between intervals

Catch your breath, then
SP Maintenance Hips Video

Each of these running intervals is max effort. 3 minutes should be enough time to be mostly recovered. But, if the times fall off a bit in the later intervals, that is okay. Just make sure to dig deep in rounds 4 and 5!


5 Rounds
5 (Moderately Heavy) Hang Power Clean OR Sandbag Over the Shoulder
15 Hand Release Push Ups
50m Farmer Carry
50m Backward Carry
10 Leg Tucks

Rest 1 min between rounds

You might be able to go unbroken on the hang power cleans but the load should require you to take a moment to set up properly for each rep. Focus on good, quality reps every time. 

If using a sandbag, it should be pretty heavy. Otherwise, increase the reps to 10 per round. 

Don’t rush the transitions between movements. Instead, take 10-20 seconds to prime yourself for the next movement and go unbroken if you can.