Street Parking

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OLY | WEEK 47 | 11/14/2021

This workout is the first workout from the new "SP Oly Linear Program" - one of the new series you will be able to find on the new logging platform. COMING VERY SOON!

This program includes 6 sessions to be completed in succession over the course of 2 weeks. Then, you'll repeat the sessions with slightly heavier loads in the same pattern for 6-8 weeks total.

This program was specifically designed for intermediate weightlifters - those with a year or more of experience with Olympic weightlifting - but can also be followed as a re-introduction for more experienced lifters.



Halting Snatch Deadlift - 4x3

Pause for 3 seconds with bar at mid-thigh

Rest 1 minute between sets

Choose a weight that allows you to maintain a good position for the entire 3 second hold. That could be up to 80-100% of your 1RM if you have that information.

Muscle Snatch - 4x2

Rest 1 minute between sets

Keep the weight light enough so that you can focus on a fast turn over when getting the bar overhead.

Power Snatch - 5x3

Rest 1-2 minutes between sets

Build up to a working weight and then stick with it for all 5 sets. If it's your first time completing this session, you're looking at 50-60% of your 1RM (relatively light-moderate). If you're repeating this session, make a small jump up from the previous time you completed this session.

Overhead Squat - 3x5

Rest 2-3 minutes between sets

Build up to a moderately heavy weight and stick with it for all 3 sets. You’re looking at 60-70% of your 1RM if you have one. If not, you should choose a weight that you feel you could still do 5-6 more reps with once you got to 5.