Street Parking

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SANDBAG | WEEK 24 | 06/06/2021

Street Parking Sandbag is posted once a week - on Sunday. You will find a sandbag "option" several times during the week (usually in Program C) of the regular programmed workouts. This workout, however, was programmed specifically with the sandbag in mind.

We typically suggest that instead of adding this in on top of the regular workout on any certain day - that you simply swap one of the regular programmed workouts out for this one. We will provide suggestions each week in the daily workout write ups for Programs A, B, and C - for which workouts make the most sense to swap.



16 Minute AMRAP
(As Many Reps as Possible in 16 Minutes)

2 Sandbag Drag & Pull
2 Sandbag Side to Side Thruster
2 Single Arm Sandbag Bent Over Row (1 Left/ 1 Right)
4 Sandbag Drag & Pull
4 Sandbag Side to Side Thruster
4 Single Arm Sandbag Bent Over Row (2 Left/ 2 Right)
6 Sandbag Drag & Pull
6 Sandbag Side to Side Thruster
6 Single Arm Sandbag Bent Over Row (3 Left/ 3 Right)
8 Sandbag Drag & Pull
8 Sandbag Side to Side Thruster
8 Single Arm Sandbag Bent Over Row (4 Left/ 4 Right)

Keep adding 2 reps to each movement until the clock hits 16:00.

Suggested Loading:
Men: 50-70# Bag
Women: 25-45# Bag

Score: Total Reps

Goal: To get into the round of 14 reps of each movement.

See the description of the single arm bent over rows below, you should be supported with the opposite arm so they are more manageable. If they still are not happening, especially with you heavier bag folks, just go with bent over rows. It's going to start getting hairy near the round of 8 reps or so, make sure you don't go too hard out of the gate.

Start in a plank position over your bag with the top of the bag at about knee level. Keep the belly tight and butt down. Reach down and grab the bag by the handle with one hand and perform and explosive drag and almost press to get it out in front of you as much as possible. You will then pull it back using the same hand. If you need to you can almost "back up" a bit to get a longer pull. You should pull it back down to between the knees level. If you don't quite make it - you can crawl forward a bit. The next rep will be with the other hand/arm. Each drag (up) and pull (back) counts as 1 rep.

Adjust the reps if working with a heavier bag
Sandbag Up & Overs

Start with the bag on one shoulder, feet under shoulders, heels down. Reach the butt back and down and get to the bottom of the squat. Stand hard and fast to pop the sandbag off of the shoulder. Press the sandbag straight up to lock out overhead then lower it down on to the opposite shoulder.

Adjust reps based on bag weight
Sandbag Thrusters

Find a staggered stance position with the left leg forward and right leg back. Plant the left elbow/forearm on your left thigh. You can also plant your left hand on a box, bench, or even the wall. If you are using a bench you, plant the left knee on there. Keep the belly tight, back flat and shoulders packed down onto your ribs. Grip the sandbag by the center handle and raise it up off the floor if possible.

The movement should start with the arm straight, draw your elbow up and back until your hand touches your ribcage, then lower with control. Don't try to use your hips or jerk your chest up for assistance. Once you've completed the appropriate number of reps, switch arms and repeat on the other side.

Sandbag Bent Over Rows