Street Parking

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MONDAY 06/20/2022






Every 3 Minutes:

100 Meter Farmer Carry
20 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Snatch
Max Push Up + Taps in time remaining in 3-minute window

Keep going until you complete 100 Push Up + Taps

Men: 40# DBs
Women: 25# DBs

Extra Challenge
Men: 50# DBs
Women: 35# DBs

Men/Women: Increase Push Up + Taps to 120

Only go Extra Challenge if you can complete 100 Push Up + Taps in under 15 minutes.

Score: Total Time

Goal: 15-21 Minutes

Coaches Notes

This one is going to be a mental challenge for sure! You should get about a minute each round to get after the push up + taps. You'll need to find the sweet spot as far as how to break those up in a way that you are working for as much of that minute as possible.

The carry is going to take about a minute. Try to hold on for the full 100m or at the most break once at the turn around point. Your grip is going to be taxed from the carry so when you get to the hang snatches, make sure you are being extra explosive from the hips. Another reason to really try to recruit the lower body in the snatches is to save your upper body for the push up + taps. Choose a weight that you can complete the snatches in 1-2 sets each time.

Choose a variation on the push up + taps that you can do at least 5 reps at a time. You may be able to do some bigger sets at the beginning but as the workout progresses, more breaks will be needed. To hit the goal you'll need to get 14-20 reps per round.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!






Every 3 Minutes:

100 Meter Farmer Carry
15 Hang Power Snatch
Max Push Up + Taps in time remaining in 3-minute window

Keep going until you complete 100 Push Up + Taps

Men: 75# Barbell / 40# DBs
Women: 55# Barbell / 25# DBs

Extra Challenge
Men: 95#+ Barbell / 50# DBs
Women: 65#+ Barbell / 35# DBs

Men/Women: Increase Push Up + Taps to 120

Only go Extra Challenge if you can complete 100 Push Up + Taps in under 15 minutes.

Score: Total Time

Goal: 15-21 Minutes

Coaches Notes

This one is going to be a mental challenge for sure! You should get about a minute each round to get after the push up + taps. You'll need to find the sweet spot as far as how to break those up in a way that you are working for as much of that minute as possible.

The carry is going to take about a minute. Try to hold on for the full 100m or at the most break once at the turn around point. Your grip is going to be taxed from the carry so when you get to the hang snatches, make sure you are being extra explosive from the hips. Another reason to really try to recruit the lower body in the snatches is to save your upper body for the push up + taps.

Ideally the snatches are performed in two sets the whole way. If you are able to go unbroken the whole time, it is likely too light. And, if you are having to break it up more than that, it is likely too heavy. Remember, we want at least a minute to bang out those push up + taps!

Choose a variation on the push up + taps that you can do at least 5 reps at a time. You may be able to do some bigger sets at the beginning but as the workout progresses, more breaks will be needed. To hit the goal you'll need to get 14-20 reps per round.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!






Every 3 Minutes:

100 Meter Suitcase Carry
15 Hang To Overhead
Max Push Up + Taps in time remaining in 3-minute window

Keep going until you complete 100 Push Up + Taps

Men: 50-70#
Women: 25-45#

Extra Challenge
Men/Women: Increase Push Up + Taps to 120

Only go Extra Challenge if you can complete 100 Push Up + Taps in under 15 minutes.

Score: Total Time

Goal: 15-21 Minutes

Coaches Notes

This one is going to be a mental challenge for sure! You should get about a minute each round to get after the push up + taps. You'll need to find the sweet spot as far as how to break those up in a way that you are working for as much of that minute as possible.

The carry is going to take about a minute. You should be able to hold for the first 50m putting the bag down just long enough to turn and regrip with the other hand. Your grip is going to be taxed from the carry so when you get to the hang to overheads, make sure you are being extra explosive from the hips. Another reason to really try to recruit the lower body in the hang to overheads is to save your upper body for the push up + taps.

Choose a variation on the push up + taps that you can do at least 5 reps at a time. You may be able to do some bigger sets at the beginning but as the workout progresses, more breaks will be needed. To hit the goal you'll need to get 14-20 reps per round.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!


DB Snatch

If you're uncomfortable with the overhead position or are trying to manage the demand on your core, you can start by simply doing something different with the way you’re breathing or how you’re holding tension in your body throughout the movement. If you feel like you need or want to customize further you can minimize some the demand by lowering the amount of weight used or repetitions done. Another good option for customizing would be an eye level KB/DB swing. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.

Push Up/Push Up Taps

If you’re trying to manage the pressure on your core and pelvic floor during this movement, you can start by simply doing something different with the way you’re breathing or how you’re holding tension in your body. If you feel like you need or want to customize further but still want to practice, you can always modify with with fewer reps, an Elevated Push Up or Knee Push Up. Some other options for customizing are floor press, bench press or front raise. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.

Farmer Carry

This can be a great movement for building core strength and working on stamina during pregnancy and rebuilding postpartum. Try managing the demand on your core and pelvic floor by adjusting your breath, posture, and tension strategies during the movement.