Street Parking

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SATURDAY 02/19/2022





3 Sets

Each "Set" is

3 Rounds:

12 Dumbbell Deadlift
10 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean
8 Toes to Bar

then after the completion of the 3 rounds

Run 400 Meters


**If using v-ups/alternating v-ups increase reps to 12 each time.

**This version of the workout could also be done with your sandbag using:

Sandbag Deadlift
Sandbag Hang Power Clean

Men: 40# DBs
Women: 25# DBs

Extra Challenge:
Men: 50# DBs
Women: 35# DBs

Score: Total Time

Goal: 14-19 Minutes

Coaches Notes

So - to be clear - you'll perform 3 rounds of 12-10-8. When you're done with those 3 rounds, you'll run 400m. Immediately after the run (no rest time allotted), you'll start the next set, which is 3 rounds of 12-10-8. Run 400m after those 3 rounds. Then do that again one more time. You will finish with a 400m run.

This one is going to get GRIPPY. You're looking at finishing a ROUND every 0:55-1:15, which ends up being 2:45-3:45 per SET. Choose a weight that allows you at minimum to get the deadlifts and the hang power cleans completed unbroken. You might even be able to go right from the last deadlift into the first hang power clean, but that's not absolutely necessary. Choose a toes to bar pace/customization that will allow you to get those 8 reps done in 15-20 seconds.

Each run should take 1:45-2:30. If it's taking much longer than 2:30, we highly recommend reducing the distance. Use that time to relax your grip and shake out your arms.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!





3 Sets

Each "Set" is

3 Rounds:

12 Barbell Deadlift
10 Barbell Hang Power Clean
8 Toes to Bar

then after the completion of the 3 rounds

Run 400 Meters


**If using v-ups/alternating v-ups increase reps to 12 each time.

Men: 95#
Women: 65#

Extra Challenge:
Men: 115-135#
Women: 75-95#

Score: Total Time

Goal: 14-19 Minutes

Coaches Notes

So - to be clear - you'll perform 3 rounds of 12-10-8. When you're done with those 3 rounds, you'll run 400m. Immediately after the run (no rest time allotted), you'll start the next set, which is 3 rounds of 12-10-8. Run 400m after those 3 rounds. Then do that again one more time. You will finish with a 400m run.

This one is going to get GRIPPY. You're looking at finishing a ROUND every 0:55-1:15, which ends up being 2:45-3:45 per SET. Choose a weight that allows you at minimum to get the deadlifts and the hang power cleans completed unbroken. You might even be able to go right from the last deadlift into the first hang power clean, but that's not absolutely necessary. Choose a toes to bar pace/customization that will allow you to get those 8 reps done in 15-20 seconds.

Each run should take 1:45-2:30. If it's taking much longer than 2:30, we highly recommend reducing the distance. Use that time to relax your grip and shake out your arms.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!





3 Sets

Each "Set" is

3 Rounds:

12 Barbell Deadlift
10 Barbell Hang Power Clean
8 Toes to Bar

then after the completion of the 3 rounds

30 Cal (M) / 22 Cal (W) - Assault Bike
-OR- 500 Meter Row


**If using v-ups/alternating v-ups increase reps to 12 each time.

Men: 95# / 40# DBs / 50-70# Sandbag
Women: 65# / 25# DBs / 25-45# Sandbag

Extra Challenge:
Men: 115-135# / 50# DBs
Women: 75-95# / 35# DBs

Score: Total Time

Goal: 14-19 Minutes

Coaches Notes

So - to be clear - you'll perform 3 rounds of 12-10-8. When you're done with those 3 rounds, you'll bike/row. Immediately after the bike/row (no rest time allotted), you'll start the next set, which is 3 rounds of 12-10-8. Bike/row after those 3 rounds. Then do that again one more time. You will finish with a bike/row.

This one is going to get GRIPPY - especially to you brave souls who use the rower. You're looking at finishing a ROUND every 0:55-1:15, which ends up being 2:45-3:45 per SET. Choose a weight that allows you at minimum to get the deadlifts and the hang power cleans completed unbroken. You might even be able to go right from the last deadlift into the first hang power clean, but that's not absolutely necessary. Choose a toes to bar pace/customization that will allow you to get those 8 reps done in 15-20 seconds.

Each bike/row should take 1:45-2:30. If it's taking much longer than 2:30, we highly recommend reducing the calories/distance. If you're biking, focus more on pressing the handles away than pulling them in. If you're rowing, godspeed.

Head over to for Logging, Movement Demos, and Customizations!!!





In teams of 2 Complete:

3 Sets

Each "Set" is:

8 Rounds (4 Rounds Each done in You go - I go fashion)

10 Dumbbell Deadlift
8 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean
6 Toes to Bar

then after 8 Rounds have been completed

Run 400 Meters TOGETHER

NO REST other than when your partner is working.

**If using v-ups/alternating v-ups increase reps to 10 each time.

**This version can be done with any of the equipment options seen in Program A/B/C

Men: 40# DBs
Women: 25# DBs

Extra Challenge:
Men: 50# DBs
Women: 35# DBs

Score: Total Time

Goal: 18-28 Minutes

Coaches Notes

So, you will complete 1 round of 10-8-6 while your partner rests, then your partner will complete 1 round of 10-8-6 while you rest. Continue going back and forth until you've both completed 4 rounds (8 total). Then immediately head out for a 400m run together. When you get back, you'll complete another 8 rounds. Then run. Then another 8 rounds, then run.

You're shooting to finish a round every 0:45-0:55. That means you should be MOVING. Because you get rest after each round, you should be able to maintain a fast pace. Of course, that's no excuse to move poorly. Keep your back flat and belly tight during the deadlifts. Choose a toes to bar pace/customization that you can do in two sets AT MOST. That means at least 3 reps each time you hop up on the bar.

Each run should take 1:45-2:30. If it's taking much longer than 2:30, we highly recommend reducing the distance. Use that time to relax your grip and shake out your arms.


KB/DB Deadlift

If getting into or holding the set up position is uncomfortable or causes too much added strain on your abdominal wall, feel free to shorten the range of motion by elevating your DB or KBs off the ground, using a Sumo Stance, or customizing with a Good Morning or Romanian Deadlift. If you're trying to manage the pressure on your pelvic floor, try adjusting your breath, posture, and tension strategies throughout the movement. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.

Power Clean

Having to move the bar out and around your belly can add a lot of extra strain to the lower back, so we recommend using dumbbells instead of the barbell during the later stages of pregnancy or as your belly grows and you're no longer able to keep the bar moving in a straight line. It may also be more comfortable to start from the hang position or to adjust your stance slightly.

Toes to Bar

If you’re trying to manage the pressure on your core and pelvic floor during this movement, you can start by simply doing something different with the way you’re breathing or how you’re holding tension in your body. If you feel like you need or want to customize further but still want to practice, you can try less reps, less range of motion like knee raises, or lying leg lifts. Some other options for customizing are Functional Progression 1, DB Windmills, or KB Swings. Please visit the Mama Modifications Movement Library for more options and demonstrations.