Street Parking

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POWER | WEEK 47 | 11/14/2021

This workout is the first workout from the new "SP Power 30 Program: Series 1" - one of the new series you will be able to find on the new logging platform. COMING VERY SOON!

This series is a collection of 30 minute powerlifting sessions to help you build overall strength with just 1-2 sessions per week. The main lifts are back squat, deadlift, and bench press but we also incorporate overhead pressing, front squats, and other accessory lifts.



Following a 30 minute clock:
0:00 - 5 Barbell Back Squat
3:00 - 5 Barbell Back Squat
6:00 - 5 Barbell Back Squat
10:00 - Max Reps (Single Set) - Barbell Back Squat


15:00 - 5 Barbell Bench Press
18:00 - 5 Barbell Bench Press
21:00 - 5 Barbell Bench Press
25:00 - Max Reps (Single Set) - Barbell Bench Press

27:00 - 30:00 - 3 min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds + Reps As Possible)

1 Push Up
1 Squat Jump

Score: Heaviest back squat weight. (Note how many reps you did for your max set in the comments)

Score: Heaviest bench press. (Note how many reps you did for your max set in the comments)

Goal: No failed reps, consistent form, and 7-10 reps on the max reps sets!

For these Squats and Bench Press sets of 5, add load between each set. The load increases should be relatively small. We want you to start heavy and end heavier. Take smaller jumps with the Bench Press. Reduce the weight in the max reps sets. Make sure that you can get at least 5 reps in the max reps set but if you get more than 15, it's probably too light! For the 3 minute AMRAP, just work constantly for 3 minutes. Take a moment to set yourself up in a proper starting position before each rep. If you are unable to jump you may do a fast air squat but keep the feet on the floor!