Street Parking

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POWER | WEEK 42 | 10/10/2021

STREET PARKING POWER - Ongoing program designed to build strength through emphasis on major lifts like Back Squat, Front Squat, Deadlift, Shoulder Press and Bench Press.

This may also include assistance exercises to support good mechanics and healthy tissue.

Typically we suggest adding this in before the regular daily workout if performing them on the same day. Days in which this workout will fit in best can be found on the daily program write ups!



Bench Press


Log Heaviest Single

So today you are working up to some super heavy singles on the bench. Only do this if you have someone to spot you or some sort of safety net!

Ok so, for this the goal is to go up in weight each time. Rest 2-3 min between sets. The first set of 5 is heavy but manageable. The second set is a really rough set of 5.

First set of 3 is just a little heavier than the last set of 5...and so on.

Make sure you can have your heels on the ground for these even if you need to put plates on the floor by your bench! For these reps - pull the shoulder blades back and down. Make sure as the bar is lowering to the chest that the elbows go back and the grip is similar to the width you would use for going over head - don't go super wide. Touch the chest at the bottom. Lock out completely at the top.

If you don't have a spot and still want to bench - just don't do the singles. Do 9 sets of 5 at a safe weight.

400 Meter Heavy Object Carry for Time

If the object is super heavy - Men 80-100# or more / Women 60-70# or More - you can bear hug the object.

If you don't have a sandbag/ball or something that heavy you will hold a plate or something in your hands at a 90 degree angle at the waist and walk.

You may also choose to carry the bar in the front or back rack and walk. Just be careful - ha ha!

This is to gain strength in the upper back and midline!

Do your best to keep your lower belly engaged. Avoid letting your hips sag forward to counter the load. Take deep breaths.