Street Parking

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WEDNESDAY 04/24/2019

Pre: Power
Post:  Suns out Guns Out (depends on how many manmakers you end up doing)
Either:  Gymnastics

Pre: Spine Strengthening, Warm Up Flow
Post: Hamstrings, Shift, Sciatica Piriformis 2




Dumbbell Clean Warm Up

Bootstrappers 60 seconds
Air squats 10 seconds
Squat hold 60 seconds
Then with lighter dumbbells
Goblet squats 5 REPS
Deadlifts 10 REPS
Hang muscle cleans 10 REPS
High hang muscle cleans 10 REPS
Muscle cleans (from floor) 10 REPS
Hang Power cleans 10 REPS
High hang power cleans 10 REPS
Power cleans (from floor) 10 REPS
Hang squat cleans 10 REPS
High hang squat cleans 10 REPS
Full squat cleans (from floor) 10 REPS


For Time:
75 DB Hang Squat Cleans

Every Minute on the Minute - 2 Man Makers

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX+ Men: 50#  DBs
RX+ Women: 35# DBs

Score: Total Time
Goal: 15 min


What in the world.  Made the mistake of getting workouts from Julian again....

The goal time for this one is very realistic at 15 min.  You DO NOT have to do any manmakers on the first minute - so you should be able to get a good chunk there.  Just don't peacock it! So start with max reps hang squat cleans - when the clock hits 1:00 you have to do 2 man makers and do that same thing at the top of every minute until you complete all of the cleans!

For the hang squat clean you will deadlift the DBs to the hips with hands just outside the legs.  Your feet are between hip and shoulder width, heels down.  Stand tall.  Tighten the belly.  Arms straight.  Reach the hips back slightly and bend the knees to dip.  Keep the DBs back and arms straight.  Stand up hard and fast! Shrug the shoulders.  Pull the DBs up the body with the elbows high and back and pull YOURSELF DOWN at the same time.  You will rotate the elbows around and through FAST to allow the DBs to land on the shoulders in the bottom of the squat.  In this squat position heels are down, knees out, chest up, belly tight, butt lower than knees, no plopping or rounding, elbows high!  Drive through the heels and drive knees out to stand.  Lead with chest and elbows, stand fully to complete each rep. For the next rep you will lower the DBs back to the hips.

If you're struggling to get in at least 5 HSC every minute or about :30 of work after the man makers, lower the weight of the cleans so you are able to continually cycle the weight between man maker sets.

Man Maker = Hands on Dumbbells - Push Up + Row Right + Row Left + Jump feet in + Squat Clean + Thruster.

On Rows keep belly tight and pull elbow back.  Go to knees if you need to.  Keep back flat as you pull from the ground on the clean.  For the thruster - use the leg drive to pop DBs of shoulders.  Finish locked out, biceps by ears, tight belly.




Barbell Clean Warm Up

5 Deadlift
3 High Hang Shrugs
3 Above Knee Shrugs
3 Mid shin shrugs
3 High Hang Muscle Clean
3 Above Knee Muscle Clean
3 Mid Shin Muscle Clean
5 Front Squats
3 High Hang Squat Clean
3 Above Knee Squat Clean
3 Mid Shin Squat Clean


For Time:
75 Squat Cleans

Every Minute on the Minute: 2 Barbell Man Makers

RX Men: 95#
RX Women: 65#

RX+ Men: 115#
RX+ Women: 75#

Score: Total Time
Goal: 15 min


What in the world.  Made the mistake of getting workouts from Julian again....this is just mean.  Yes - barbell mapmakers HAVE hang squat cleans in them.  No those don't count toward your 75. Ouch.

The goal time for this one is very realistic at 15 min.  You DO NOT have to do any manmakers on the first minute - so you should be able to get a good chunk there.  Just don't peacock it!

For the hang squat clean you will deadlift the bar to the hips with hands just outside the legs.  Your feet are between hip and shoulder width, heels down.  Stand tall.  Tighten the belly.  Arms straight.  Reach the hips back slightly and bend the knees to dip.  Keep the bar close and arms straight.  Stand up hard and fast! Shrug the shoulders.  Pull the bar up the body with the elbows high and outside and pull YOURSELF DOWN at the same time.  You will rotate the elbows around and through FAST to allow the bar to land on the shoulders in the bottom of the squat.  In this squat position heels are down, knees out, chest up, belly tight, butt lower than knees, no plopping or rounding, elbows high!  Drive through the heels and drive knees out to stand.  Lead with chest and elbows, stand fully to complete each rep. For the next rep you will lower the barbell back to the hips.

If you're struggling to get in at least 5 HSC every minute or about :30 of work after the man makers, lower the weight of the cleans so you are able to continually cycle the weight between man maker sets.

Barbell Manmaker= Deadlift, bent over row, hang squat clean, thruster.

Heels down, belly tight, back flat on the deadlift.  Lower back to below the knee for bent over row.  Keep bar close, belly tight, pull elbows back and bar to ribs.  Stand.  Re-dip for hang squat clean.  Use the leg drive to pop the bar off of the shoulders for the thruster.  Finish locked out overhead with biceps by ears and belly tight.




Dumbbell Clean Warm Up

Bootstrappers 60 seconds
Air squats 10 seconds
Squat hold 60 seconds
Then with lighter dumbbells
Goblet squats 5 REPS
Deadlifts 10 REPS
Hang muscle cleans 10 REPS
High hang muscle cleans 10 REPS
Muscle cleans (from floor) 10 REPS
Hang Power cleans 10 REPS
High hang power cleans 10 REPS
Power cleans (from floor) 10 REPS
Hang squat cleans 10 REPS
High hang squat cleans 10 REPS
Full squat cleans (from floor) 10 REPS


For Time:
75 Sandbag Hang Squat Cleans

Every Minute on the Minute: 2 Sandbag Man Makers

NO RX or RX+ with the sandbag.  Just use what you've got!

Score: Total Time
Goal: 15 Min or less


What in the world.  Made the mistake of getting workouts from Julian again....Yes the sandbag man makers have squat cleans in them - no those don't count toward your 75.

The goal time for this one is very realistic at 15 min.  You DO NOT have to do any manmakers on the first minute - so you should be able to get a good chunk there.  Just don't peacock it!  So start with max reps hang squat cleans - when the clock hits 1:00 you have to do 2 man makers and do that same thing at the top of every minute until you complete all of the cleans!

For the hang squat clean you will deadlift the sandbag to the hips. Your feet are between hip and shoulder width, heels down.  Stand tall.  Tighten the belly.  Arms straight.  Reach the hips back slightly and bend the knees to dip.  Keep the sandbag close and arms straight.  Stand up hard and fast! Shrug the shoulders.  Pull the sandbag up the body and pull YOURSELF DOWN at the same time.  You will rotate the elbows around and through FAST to allow the sandbag to land on the biceps in the bottom of the squat.  In this squat position heels are down, knees out, chest up, belly tight, butt lower than knees, no plopping or rounding, elbows high!  Drive through the heels and drive knees out to stand.  Lead with chest and elbows, stand fully to complete each rep. For the next rep you will lower the sandbag back to the hips.

If you're struggling to get in at least 5 HSC every minute or about :30 of work after the man makers, lower the weight of the cleans so you are able to continually cycle the weight between man maker sets.

The Sandbag Manmaker is basically a burpee on the sandbag followed by a squat clean thruster.  Make sure you keep the back flat, belly tight and heels down when you pull the bag from the ground.  Drive through the legs to pop the bag off of the shoulder for the thruster and finish locked out with the biceps by the ears, bag overhead, and belly tight!

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