Street Parking

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SATURDAY 03/16/2019

Program A or C only today guys!  Whether you use a KB or DB for the swings and step ups - you can post here.  If you do bike or row version - post in Program C.  Don't forget to check the TEAM VERSION option too!



Running Warm Up

In 50' Sections:

Up & Overs
Samson lunge
High knees
Toes in walk
Toes out walk
High skips

Full Body Simple Warm UP!

5-10 reps of quality movement through each

10 Toe Touches
10 Boot Strappers
10 Inch Worm + Down Dog
10 Spider Man + Reach


4 Rounds for Time
Run 400 Meters
15 KB Swings
15 KB Swings
Step ups

RX Men: 50#ish DB/KB
RX Women: 30-35# DB/KB

RX +:  5 Rounds
You are ONLY allowed to go RX + if you finish your first 4 rounds under 16 Min.

Score: Total Time
Goal: Under 20 MinWell if this doesn't look fun, I don't know what does.

Make sure you choose a weight that you will attempt to do the 15 swings mostly unbroken and that - aside from grip issues - you will b able to hold onto pretty well for all of the step ups as well.

The run distance should take roughly 2 min.  Some of you will definitely be faster - some a bit slower.  If you are unable to run for space or weather reasons you may sub 90 seconds of single/double unders or even taps will work!

For the swings you will hold the weight with both hands at the waist.  Feet are about shoulder width apart.  Heels are down.  Hinge forward at the hips and bend the knees slightly.  Keep the chest lifted and heels down.  Belly tight and arms straight.  Pull the weight back through the legs.  Stand up HARD and FAST to make the bell weightless and then (keeping the belly tight) guide the weight all of the way overhead!  Allow gravity to bring it back down and back between the legs.   Don't allow it to pull you forward.  Keep those heels down!

For the step ups you will first hold the DB or KB at the LEFT shoulder.  You will step up for your first set with the weight in this position and step up with your RIGHT foot only.  You can leave your foot on your step for the entire set.

So place your foot on the box/step.  Make sure the heel stays down.  Drive through the heel to stand up completely on the box.  Do not let the knee cave in as you are coming to a standing position.  Lower leaving your RIGHT foot on the box under control.  Do 15 reps (right foot only with weight on left shoulder).

If you need to use a lighter weight for step ups than swings or even no weight at all that is fine.  Step height is roughly 22-24" for men and 18-20" for women.  Choose a step that YOU are comfortable stepping up and down with though.

After you do your first set of step ups you will do 15 more swings and then do another set of 15 step ups with the weight at the OPPOSITE shoulder/opposite foot



Running Warm Up

In 50' Sections:

Up & Overs
Samson lunge
High knees
Toes in walk
Toes out walk
High skips

Full Body Simple Warm UP!

5-10 reps of quality movement through each

10 Toe Touches
10 Boot Strappers
10 Inch Worm + Down Dog
10 Spider Man + Reach

See video demo on Members Only!


4 Rounds for Time
Row 500 Meters
Bike 30 Cal Men / 22 Cal Women
15 KB Swings
15 KB Swings
Step ups

RX Men: 50#ish DB/KB
RX Women: 30-35# DB/KB

RX +:  5 Rounds
You are ONLY allowed to go RX + if you finish your first 4 rounds under 16 Min.

Score: Total Time
Goal: Under 20 MinWell if this doesn't look fun, I don't know what does.

Make sure you choose a weight that you will attempt to do the 15 swings mostly unbroken and that - aside from grip issues - you will b able to hold onto pretty well for all of the step ups as well.

The row/bike distance should take roughly 2 min.

For the swings you will hold the weight with both hands at the waist.  Feet are about shoulder width apart.  Heels are down.  Hinge forward at the hips and bend the knees slightly.  Keep the chest lifted and heels down.  Belly tight and arms straight.  Pull the weight back through the legs.  Stand up HARD and FAST to make the bell weightless and then (keeping the belly tight) guide the weight all of the way overhead!  Allow gravity to bring it back down and back between the legs.   Don't allow it to pull you forward.  Keep those heels down!

For the step ups you will first hold the DB or KB at the LEFT shoulder.  You will step up for your first set with the weight in this position and step up with your RIGHT foot only.  You can leave your foot on your step for the entire set.

So place your foot on the box/step.  Make sure the heel stays down.  Drive through the heel to stand up completely on the box.  Do not let the knee cave in as you are coming to a standing position.  Lower leaving your RIGHT foot on the box under control.  Do 15 reps (right foot only with weight on left shoulder).

If you need to use a lighter weight for step ups than swings or even no weight at all that is fine.  Step height is roughly 22-24" for men and 18-20" for women.  Choose a step that YOU are comfortable stepping up and down with though.

After you do your first set of step ups you will do 15 more swings and then do another set of 15 step ups with the weight at the OPPOSITE shoulder/opposite foot.



Running Warm Up

In 50' Sections:

Up & Overs
Samson lunge
High knees
Toes in walk
Toes out walk
High skips

Full Body Simple Warm UP!

5-10 reps of quality movement through each

10 Toe Touches
10 Boot Strappers
10 Inch Worm + Down Dog
10 Spider Man + Reach

See video demo on Members Only!


4 Rounds for Time
Run 400 Meters TOGETHER
30 KB Swings (EACH - working at the same time)
30 LEFT SHOULDER - RIGHT FOOT Step Ups (TOTAL - one person works at a time)
30 RIGHT SHOULDER - LEFT FOOT Step Ups (TOTAL - one person works at a time)

RX Men: 50#ish DB/KB
RX Women: 30-35# DB/KB

RX +:  5 Rounds
You are ONLY allowed to go RX + if you finish your first 4 rounds under  20 Min.

Score: Total Time
Goal: Under 25 Min


The team version flows like this: Run together.  Come in and do 30 swings each - working at the same time.  Then ONE person at a time can work on the first set of step ups - switch whenever you want.  Once you have gotten 30 on one side - get 30 on the other side - switching when you want. Break up lunges how you want.  As a team you need 30 on each side per round.

The run distance should take roughly 2 min.  Some of you will definitely be faster - some a bit slower.  If you are unable to run for space or weather reasons you may sub 90 seconds of single/double unders or even taps will work!

For the swings you will hold the weight with both hands at the waist.  Feet are about shoulder width apart.  Heels are down.  Hinge forward at the hips and bend the knees slightly.  Keep the chest lifted and heels down.  Belly tight and arms straight.  Pull the weight back through the legs.  Stand up HARD and FAST to make the bell weightless and then (keeping the belly tight) guide the weight all of the way overhead!  Allow gravity to bring it back down and back between the legs.   Don't allow it to pull you forward.  Keep those heels down!

For the step ups you will first hold the DB or KB at the LEFT shoulder.  You will step up for your first set with the weight in this position and step up with your RIGHT foot only.  You can leave your foot on your step for the entire set.

So place your foot on the box/step.  Make sure the heel stays down.  Drive through the heel to stand up completely on the box.  Do not let the knee cave in as you are coming to a standing position.  Lower leaving your RIGHT foot on the box under control.  Do 15 reps (right foot only with weight on left shoulder).

If you need to use a lighter weight for step ups than swings or even no weight at all that is fine.  Step height is roughly 22-24" for men and 18-20" for women.  Go lower if needed.

Second set is opposite shoulder and foot.