Street Parking

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GYMNASTICS 03/17/2019

Part 1:
2 Rounds

10 Banded Pass Throughs
:30 Bench Shoulder Stretch
10 Low Tuck to Standing Pike Extensions

No Score.  Quality over Speed.

EMOM 12 Min (Alternating Minutes)

Min 1: Hanging Tuck Pulses
Min 2: 30 Seconds Hollow Hold
Min 3: Dumbbell Push-up + Alternating Row (Heavy Weight)

The 12 Min = 4 Rounds Total

Score: Dumbbell Weight used for Push Up + Rows

For the hanging tuck pulses:

1. Begin in an active hang on the pull-up bar: Hands take a shoulder-width grip, lats are engaged (there should be space between your shoulders and ears), quads are squeezed, glues are engaged, hips tucked under, and toes pointed.
2. Using the hip flexors, pull your knees to hip height, reaching a hanging-tuck position.
3. To pulse, allow your knees to slightly drop below hip height (but not to full extension), and quickly lift them back up to your starting position. 
4. You will move quickly through this small range of motion, dropping and lifting the knees in a tucked position.

Subs for the hanging tuck pulses: Small pulses / Static tuck hang / Active bar hang

For the hollow hold:
1. Begin laying on your back with your legs extended forward, and arms set overhead and shoulder width apart
2. Brace your core by pulling your bellybutton into your spine, pushing the lower back into the floor. Your lower back needs to remain in contact with the floor for the duration of the set.
3. Simultaneously lift your shoulders and heels off the ground, while continuing to press the lower back into the floor.

For the Dumbbell Push Up + Alternating Row:

1. Place your dumbbells on the ground, shoulder width apart and parallel to each other.
2. Set up into your plank position by grabbing the dumbbells (palms should be facing each other), positioning your shoulders directly over your wrists, and feet together. 
3. As you squeeze your glutes, tuck your hips under (as if you were a dog with it’s tail between its legs) to engage the core and flatten out the lower back. No sagging allowed.
4. Reinforce shoulder extension at the top each rep by “pushing the dumbbells/floor away”, which will slightly round the upper back. At this point, every muscle should be engaged and working to stay tight.
5. Keeping your body in one line, lower yourself to the dumbbells, until your shoulders make contact. Push back up into full extension. 
6. Keeping the body tight, press through the right shoulder, and lift the left dumbbell until it makes contact with the rib cage. 
7. Return the weight to the ground, and repeat on the right side.
8. The goal is to keep your chest square to the ground as you “row” each dumbbell towards your body.

Subs for the DB push up with alternating row:

Use light weight / Push-up on the floor + no weight / Push-up with knees on the ground

Part 3:
2 Rounds - NOT for Time

1:00 Feet Elevated Plank
10 Tripod + Alternating Leg March
1:00 Headstand Hold

No Score.  QUALITY!

For the feet elevated plank:
1. Set up into your plank position by setting your hands on the floor, shoulder width apart, with your feet on an elevated surface. Shoulders should sit directly over your wrists.
2. As you squeeze your glutes, tuck your hips under (as if you were a dog with it’s tail between its legs) to engage the core and flatten out the lower back. No sagging allowed.
3. Reinforce shoulder extension by "pushing the floor away", which will slightly round the upper back. At this point, every muscle should be engaged and working to stay tight.
4. Continue squeezing your entire body throughout the set.

Scales:  Plank on Ground / Plank with Knees on Ground

Tripod Leg March:
1. Begin by setting up into your tripod position— Your head and both hands will form the three points of an equilateral triangle (all sides are the same length) when set on the floor. Your head will be the top, while your hands will form the base. Hands should be slightly wider than shoulder width distance. Only the top of your head should be in contact with the floor.
2. Slightly angle your fingers out to approximately 45 degrees. This will make it easier to balance and keep stability as we move the legs.
3. Brace the neck by pushing the hands into the floor (you need to feel your triceps light up), and pulling your shoulders towards the ceiling.
4. With your tripod position set, lift your hips into the air and come up onto your toes (legs will be straight at this point).
5. Slowly Walk your toes forward, shifting your hips over the center of your tripod position.
6. Lift one leg off the floor, squeezing your leg to keep it straight, and pointing the toe. You should feel tension throughout the entire leg as you lift and lower back to the floor.

Scales: Tripod Hold / Plank Alternating Leg Marches

For the headstand hold:

1. Begin by setting up into your tripod position— Your head and both hands will form the three points of an equilateral triangle (all sides are the same length) when set on the floor. Your head will be the top, while your hands will form the base. Hands should be slightly wider than shoulder width distance. Only the top of your head should be in contact with the floor. 
2. Slightly angle your fingers out to approximately 45 degrees. This will make it easier to balance and keep stability as we move the legs.
3. Brace the neck by pushing the hands into the floor (you need to feel your triceps light up), and pulling your shoulders towards the ceiling.
4. With your tripod position set, lift your hips into the air and come up onto your toes (legs will be straight at this point). 
5. Slowly Walk your toes forward, shifting your hips over the center of your tripod position.
6. Pull your first knee forward, setting it on the back of your tricep.
7. Keeping the core and neck braced, pull the second knee forward, setting it on the back of the tricep.
8. Slowly lift your knees off your arms, and bring them together in front to create the tucked position.
9. Using the core, continue to lift the hips and straighten the legs, until they are vertical. 
10. NOTE: You should never be completely vertical in headstands, because you do not want all of your bodyweight set over your head and neck. Instead, form a hollowed position, where your hips and glutes are centered over the middle of your tripod.

Scales: Tripod Hold / Single Leg Tripod Hold / Plank hold