Street Parking

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THURSDAY 1.17.19

EMOM 12 Min
Every Minute on the Minute for 12 Minutes

1 Wall Walk
5 Hang Power Cleans

RX: Do it as written!

RX +: 2 Wall Walks Instead of 1

Score: The Weight You Choose!

Goal: As Heavy as You Can Move Safely In Unbroken Sets of 5


EMOM 12 Min
Every Minute on the Minute for 12 Minutes

1 Wall Walk
7 Hang Power Cleans

RX Men: 40# Dumbbells
RX Women: 25# Dumbbells

RX + Men: 2 Wall Walks Instead of 1 - 50# DBs

RX + Women: 2 Wall Walks Instead of 1 - 35# DBs

Score: Don't worry too much about score for this one.  BUT put how many rounds you are able to complete without the clock catching up to you.  So if you finish all 12 rounds within the minute - your score is 12.

Goal: Good Wall Walk Practice In and A Nice Shoulder Pump! Ha ha.


EMOM 12 Min
Every Minute on the Minute for 12 Minutes

5 Handstand Push Ups
5 Hang Power Cleans

RX: Do it as written!

Score: The Weight You Choose!

Goal: As Heavy as You Can Move Safely In Unbroken Sets of 5


For this you will perform the wall walk and the 5 hang power cleans every minute.  The goal is to go as heavy as you can on the cleans (still moving safely) and also making it in the entire minute each time.

Use the same weight for the whole thing.  UNLESS you realize you chose too light or too heavy a few minutes in.

For the wall walk you will start in the bottom of a push up with the feet against the wall.  You will start walking the feet up the wall and press up to the top of the push up and walk your hands back.  Keep the belly tight - no sagging hips!  Ideally you will walk all of the way back to the wall until the chest touches.  Then you will walk the hands back out away from the wall and walk the feet down the wall.  No Slamming or sliding down!

If doing full on wall walks is not comfortable for you yet - you may choose to go only part of the way up and come down.  Or do pike ups on the box.

For this you will start in the top of a push up position with the feet on a bench or box.  You will walk the hands back toward the box as the hips go up until you are in a 90 degree pike position at the top.  You will then walk yourself back out.

For the hang power clean you will deadlift the bar to the "hang" position at the hips with straight arms.  You will have the hands just outside of the legs and the feet are under the hips.  You will bend the knees and keep the heels down.  Allow a slight hinge at the hips.  Keep the arms straight and the bar close to the body.  Stand up hard and fast.  Shrug the shoulders.  Pull the elbows high and outside to keep the bar close as you pull yourself down under it.  Shoot the elbows around and through FAST to allow the bar to land on the shoulders with the elbows high.  You will catch in a partial front squat.  Stand to complete.