Street Parking

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Metcon (No Measure)

7 Min Practice

Tripod Headstand Foot Taps

See video for demo.

Place hands and head in a triangle/tripod position.  If you are comfortable come all of the way up into a headstand.  From here, keep the legs as straight as possible and SLOWLY lower until the tops of the feet touch the ground.  Then SLOWLY bring them back up by squeezing the butt.

If you are not stable yet you can do against the wall or practice bringing the knees up and then back down.

Do NOT stay in a headstand for the whole 7 min.  Just set that time on the clock to practice!

Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)

This is going to burn:

In a pike position with your feet on a box or bench roughly 18-22" high.  You will walk 1/4 of the way around then do a pike handstand push up.  Continue walking 1/4 of the way - pike hspu....

Once you have gotten all of the way around (4 pike hspu) - you will turn around and go the other way.

It's an AMRAP in 7 min.

Each time you complete a pike HSPU it counts as 1 rep.

Scaling option: lose the handstand push up part and just do the around the world walks!

Make sure you are not in just a defecit push up position.  Your head and butt should be above your hands looking back at the box.  If your hamstring tightness makes this position hard, you may bend your knees.

Metcon (Time)

5 Min

Accumulate as much time as possible in the L-Sit Hold.

Scale to knees up or 1 leg out if necessary.

Rest as needed in between.

Add up total time in the end for your score!