Street Parking

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Metcon (Weight)

Part 1

5 Rounds (Not for Time)
15 Good Mornings
15 Lunge + Lunge + Box Jump
10 Half Get Ups Right
10 Half Get Ups Left

Put weight you used for get ups for your score

Good  Mornings will be performed with the bar on the back of the shoulders.  Feet are under the hips and weight is in the heels.  Keep the chest up and belly tight.  Allow your knees to bend slightly (very slightly) as you hinge at the hips.  If you can keep the back flat - bend until you hit a 90 degree angle.   From there, you will squeeze your butt to stand up.

For best visual of how to do these, check the demo video.

Main focus for the banded squat reps is to really drive the knees OUT against the band the whole time.  Make sure you are still hitting depth with each rep!

The lunge lunge jump is a reverse lunge right, reverse lunge left, two foot jump onto a box or something similar (all of that together is one rep).  Make sure you are kissing the ground with the back knee for each lunge and driving off of the heel to stand.  Jump height should be between 18-24 inches!

The half get up will be performed with a kb or dumbbell in your hand.  You will lay flat on your back and extend the arm with the weight in front of you (like the top of a single arm bench press).  Then you will keep your eyes on the weight and roll to your opposite elbow, lifting the weighted shoulder off of the ground.  Then you will come up to the opposite hand.

Roll back down slowly.

Metcon (No Measure)

Part 2

6 Rounds
1 Min alternating Up/Down Plank
30 Seconds Rest

(This will equal 4 total rounds)

You will start in a plank on both elbows.  You will come up with one hand then the other and then back down.  Alternate which hand goes first each time and move for one min!