Street Parking

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THURSDAY 7.26.18

Score #1 is your TOTAL TIME!

6 Rounds
6 Deadlifts
18 Box Jump Overs

Rest 30 Seconds Between Rounds

RX Men: Roughly 24" Box
RX Women: Roughly 20" Box

See Score #2 for Weight

Score:  Total Time

Goal: All Rounds Around 2 Min or Less!



6 Rounds
12 Dumbbell Deadlifts (both heads of the dumbbells must touch)
18 Box Jump Overs

Rest 30 Seconds Between Rounds

RX Men: 40# Dumbbells, Roughly 24" Box
RX Women: 25# Dumbbells, Roughly 20" Box

RX+ Men: 50# Dumbbells +
RX + Women: 35# Dumbbells +

Use heavier dumbbells if you have access to them!

Score:  Total Time

Goal: All Rounds Around 2 Min or Less!


Score #1 is your TOTAL TIME!

6 Rounds
6 Deadlifts
Bike or Row

Rest 30 Seconds Between Rounds

RX Men: 18 Cal Bike or 22 Cal Row
RX Women:  12 Cal Bike or 16 Cal Row

See Score #2 for Weight

Score:  Total Time

Goal: All Rounds Around 2 Min or Less!

**As always if you want to mix Program A and Program C by using dumbbells instead of the barbell that is totally fine!

So for this workout score #1 is your total time (including rest).  Score #2 is the weight you use for the deadlifts.  TRICKY right?

For the deadlifts you will start with the bar on the ground.  You will have your feet under your hips and your heels down!  You should have a slight bend in the knee and a hinge at the hip.  Hands are gripping the bar just outside of the legs.  Back is flat.  Belly is tight.  Chest is up!

Lift the bar by driving the heels into the ground and lifting the chest.  Squeeze the butt to bring you all of the way to a standing position at the top.

 As you come up AND as you go down you will actively PULL the bar into your body.  At no point on the way up or the way down is rounding the back acceptable!  Keep a solid torso position and don't allow that position to change as you move.

Arms stay long and straight throughout.

For the jump overs - we would love to see you actually JUMP.  If you need to lower the height to make that happen - DO IT!  We want to see a FACING THE BOX jump over on this one - no lateral.

If you don't have something to jump ON, find something to jump OVER!

If you cannot jump for whatever reason - you may do step up and overs or you may see Program C for more options!

Metcon (Weight)

Score #2 is the weight you choose to use for this workout!

Choose something CHALLENGING for you, but that you can do unbroken for all 6 reps.

Choose something that you know you can get for all 6, but don't think you would be able to get it if it was 9 or 10 reps.

Some ideas of where to start would be..

If you normally go RX for a Man - 225# or Woman - 135#

If you normally go RX + then you are looking at more like 275# for Men or 165# or more for Women.

If you are unable to keep good positions or unable to go unbroken you may want to consider lowering the weight during your rest!